※※※Telling the group PT.2 ※※※

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This video was SOO funny. Rae and Leslie make an amazing team if you ask me. They got all the cheese......

(I don't really know if this is a trigger warning but I am just going to write it just in case.)
Corpse perspective:

I woke up to sykkuno shaking me up. Wait not sykkuno but my boyfriend. Heh I could get used to calling him that. I start to rub my eyes and ask

"Why did you wake me up?"

"We have to get ready for school unless where going to be late!"

"Oh yeah I forgot"

I see sykkuno get up and run to his room. Heh he is so cute. I get up from the couch and walk to my room. I start to change and get ready. Once i leave my room I see sykkuno looking in the fridge.

"Corpse come here. For breakfast we are going to have chocolate."

"Ok... but dont eat to much i dont want you to get hiper." I say

I dont know if he gets hiper but he acts like a cute little puppy so I just guessed he might.

He just nods and gives me a chocolate. We get our backpacks and run out the door.

We are walking to school when sykkuno says.

"I have a question"

"Go ahead love"

"Are we going to tell toast and rae that we are dating?!?"

Hmmm I forgot about them. Heh we should see how toast reacts to this.

"I am ok with telling them but we should tell them during lunch" I say


By the time we finished talking we were inside the school. We walk to our class.

We walk in and I see sykkuno start to shake. I get worried and look at what he is looking at. It is his bullies, I lean to his ear and say

"Dont be scared I am here to protect you"

He stops shaking and I can see him start to calm down. I am happy that I made him feel safe.

We walk to our seats, I sit down. Sykkuno goes to sit down in his seat but I see the bullies get up and pull the chair. WHAT A BITCH. I wanted to fucking kill them on the spot but I had to help sykkuno up.

They started to laugh and sykkuno was still on the floor not moving. I gets up from my chair and put my hand out so he can get up

He takes my hand, I point to my chair and say

"Sit here Sy"

He nod and sits there. I look behind me and look them straight in the eyes. They seemed scared and I go to sit.

I see sykkuno about to say something but the teacher came in and started the lesson.

During the whole lesson they were throwing paper at sykkuno again. He didnt do anything and just stood there.

It was getting on my fucking nerves so I rip out a piece of paper and write

"Stop throwing papers at him unless you want to fucking die."

(I was going to make it look like a letter but I am way to fucking lazy for that)

I throw it at them and look at them and they read it and laugh.I see them write something on it and throw it back to me. I read it and laugh it says

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