!!News!! Pt.2

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^ This song is sooo amazing |recommend to everyone. OMG Rae looks so good in this Mv. I like how instead of corpse they were like hmmm who can replace corpse? MAybe Rae!!! Lol well umm hope you like this chapter oh and my chapters are probably going to be shorter now becuase my life is off. But I dont want to give up so I am still fighting.


Corpse perspective:
I wake up when sykkuno is moving I wonder why. But the I hear a obnoxious sound


What is happening" I say becuase I was so fucking confused.

I see sykkuno check his phone then goes to turn on the tv.

Me and toast are looking at sykkuno for a answer

That is when I hear the tv say
"WARNING there is a huge snowstorm coming your way. It might snow for 4 days or even more. We recommend you to go to the store and get some food for the days. Colleges will cancel the school for about 4 days because there will be a snow storm"

"Wait can we leave the campus so we can celebrate Christmas with our family?"

I didn't really care becuase I dint really have a lot of family to go to for Christmas.

Right after toast said that on the news they said "NO one will be able to drive during these days because it will be very dangerous. I am very sad to announce that for Christmas no student on a college campus will be able to leave the campus."

Are they stalking us because how did they know toast asked that question.

"We should go shopping so we can get groceries for those 4 days."
Toast said, that a good idea not like I go outside a lot anyways

me and sykkuno say at the same time. Wow we think alike cool.

"Sykkuno do you have any clothes that I can borrow?"
Toast says becuase he was way to fucking lazy to go to his dorm

"I think so! But They might be like a little bit small but I have oversized clothes so I think it will work."

I want to see sykkuno in oversized clothes I bet her would look so cut- wait what am I thinking.

"Let me go get them" I see sykkuno start going to his room to get some clothes for toast I think.

"Here you go. You can change in the bathroom and corpse can change in his room. I will wait."
Awww he is so kind

"Ok thanks sykkuno"

He goes into the bathroom to change, me and sykkuno look at each other I then say

"Guess we are going to have to spend Christmas together" not going to lie that sounded AMAZING.

"Yep!" He say in a excited tone

I go to my room and change I decide on what to wear and put my jewelry on.

I leave my room and see toast there he then says

"Dont make a move on him he is mine" wow he thinks he owns him

"What if I do? What will you do?"
I say in a teasing voice.

"He won't even fall for you I bet"
Wow this guy has some nerve

"He hasn't fallen for you either"

I could tell he was getting mad but then sykkuno came out so we stopped talking.

We go to the store and it was pretty boring

(Time skip to after the are done shopping)

Toast decided to leave. It was about time though. We said bye to him and went to our dorm.

When we enter our dorm the first thing sykkuno says is.

"I will put the groceries in the bottom cabinets and you put them in the top ones."
He said becuase I was way taller than him.

"Ok shortie".
I say in a teasing voice becuase he looks cute when he is quote on quote mad.

"I am not short I am fun size!"
It is so cute that he thinks like that

I started to laugh and i couldnt help it, it was to cute. But he started to laugh as well.

We put all the groceries away and by that time it was about 5:30 p.m.

"What do you wanna do?"
I ask because I was getting bored and I wanted to play something with him.

"Wanna play like amoung us or something?"
That sounded like a amazing idea

"Ok sure but are we going to join a random server?"
It would kind of be boring if we did.

"I can ask rae and toast if they want to play. And I could tell them to ask there friends to join as well."

That sounded cool becuase I wanted to make new friends.

"Sounds like a plan" I said

We played amoung us for the rest of the day. We talked a lot and made a lot of new friends.

We played with:
Rae, toast, me, sykkuno, leslie, ash, Ludwig, clay (dream), wendy, and lily.

We stopped playing and I was going to ask sykkuno if he want to watch a movie or something becuase it was only like 9:30 but when I walk in he is sleeping.

He looks so cute and peaceful. I had to touch his hair I touched it and it was so soft.

I look at his face and he looks so cute. He starts to move around and I run out of the room becuase i dont want to be caught staring at him.

Oh and I am probably going to update every 2 days so like 2 chapters a week. But I am unmotivated so yeah...
Hope you liked this chapter umm it was kind of short but still long. I started this at 5 in the morning and now it is 7. And I cant even go back to sleep becuade schools starts in 8 minutes. Life is tuff lol.

Word count: 1,000 words

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