~~ Decorating for Christmas~~

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SYKKUNO CAN LYEEEEE!!! Gta really has changed him. Sykkuno is evil now. I can actually see the difference and the impact that he got from playing GTA.


Sykkunos perspective:

I woke up today and TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS. I am very excited I dont think we can decorate but at least I have corpse.

Hmmm maybe i should check up on a our channel. I search Corspe x Sykkuno and see a YouTube channel

I click the channel and see that our first video have 1 million views. I stare at it in shock.

Omg I didn't think people would watch out videos I decide to go to the comments and that is where I took the wrong turn.

I looked at the comments and they were talking bad about me........

Comments are like

The sykkuno guy is probably acting incident

Hahaha look at sykkuno I am glad I am not him

I bet corpse is only friends with him becuase he was paid to.

Sykkuno is so fake i can already tell.

Seeing this comments made me so sad. It reminded me of my Bully's at school. I didn't have to worry about them during this break but when break is over I am over.

(You didn't forget about them did you? Hahaha lol I almost forgot about them)

I started to tear up. Tears were running down my cheeks and my face was turning red.

I then hear someone running to my room and open the door. It was corpse

"Sy dont read the comm- I see you already have"

I start to cry more and he comes toward me

"Sy they are probably jealous of you ok please don listen to them. They don't know you and I do. I know that you are a amazing friend and I don't want to lose you. You are very important and you very handsome as-well. They are just wannabes and are mean. Ok?"

I slowly nod and I am happy that corpse is here. He is always so nice to me. Wait do I have butterfly's in my stomach.

"Sy I will protect you ok"

"O-ok" I say happy that he is here

"C'mon we have to decorate for Christmas"

"B-but we can't go out for d-decorations"
I say sad that we cant decorate

"I ordered some of Amazon and they cam this morning so let's go?"


We got off of my bed and head out. I see a box of decorations and get excited.

"Yay I am so excited to start decorating"

I hear corpse say something but I didn't fully hear it.

"Hmm corpse what did you say?"

"I-uhh dont worry about it"
Hmmmmm kind of weird but I was so excited I didn't even mind.

"Ok then what are we waiting for?Let's gooo!!!!!"
I say excitingly

We start to put fairy lights all over the living room. I am so happy I get to spend Christmas with someone I care about.

I go to my room and put a small little tree in the corner it looks so cuteeeee

I see corpse come into my room and say

"Wow you decorated you room really good sy"

"Thanks corpse"

We go out of my room and I think he sees how excited I am becuase I have a big smile on my face.

"I see you like christmas" he says while laughing

"Of course I do it is CHRISTMAS!!"

We start laughing because of the way I said Christmas.


We eat dinner together and I tell him

"I am excited I get to spend Christmas with you and I hope we can be great friends"
I say but secretly hoping we can be more that friends

"Me to sy"
He says blushing

"You look cute when you blush" I say thinking I said that in my head.

"W-what did you say"
Oh shoot

"Did I say t-that outloud?"

"Say what?"
Thank goodness he didn't hear what I said

"Dont worry about it"
OH JESUS that was so close I dont want things to be awkward between us and I know that he probably doesn't like me back.

We end it of by decorating the tree. We made it and it was tall. I had to get some books to decorate the top.

I put the star on the tree when I tripped. I was getting ready for the big impact that would probably hurt when I heard corpse say "Sykkuno!!"

I didn't feel anything besides hands around me. I was being carried by corpse. My face got really red because I realized how close we were.

"Sykuno are you ok?!?!?!"

"I-I am f-fine. T-thanks for c-catching me corpse"

"Oh thank goodness you are ok" he says

I see his face change after he realized our position and got red and dropped me carefully on the ground.

"I-I am going to get ready for b-bed s-see you tomorrow"

He says kind if sad

I go into my room and close the door. Oh jesus our faces were so close to each other.

I lay on my bed and think maybe he does like me back......

I think while having butterfly's in my stomach. I think I will confess tomorrow. After I say that I go to sleep happily and anxiously.


OooOooOooOOooO the good stuff is about to happen. Y'all better get ready for that. Lol because I know that I am not. This chapter is kind of shorter than my other ones so I am sorry about that. I am so excited not going to lie. WOOOO!!!

Word count: 960 words

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