☆getting to know eachother better ☆

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This video is sooo funny ok so yunno was supposed to lose because they bett on raymond so they could be rich but sykkuno didn't do it and owned her. Lol


Sykkunos perspective:

I woke up at 8:30 and today is December 23rd

So I woke up and used the bathroom I saw that the mirror was smashed but there wasn't glass on the floor. I started to get worried for corpse

I came out of the bathroom and turned on my camera I looked eh so I did it.

I turned it on and said
"Ok so this challenge ends at 9:00 and it is 8:45 right now so the challenge is almost done"

"Hmm ok so was should we do" I was thinking and wondered if I should ask corpse who Adam is

(I dont know if adam is actually corpses name but in all these fanfics that is what they call him so I am hopping on the train)

I dont think I will ask him about it so I decide to call toast!

Sykkuno: hey toast

Toast: hi sykkunooooooooo

Sykkuno: what are you doing?
Toast: umm nothing how about you?

Sykkuno: oh me and corpse decided to make a youtube channel.

Toast: ah i see

Sykkuno: yep

Toast: I have a question

Sykkuno: go for it

Toast: did corpse make a move on you?

Sykkuno: w-w-what

Toast: hmm I hope he hasn't

Sykkuno: umm i got to go bye I hope you have a amazing day!

Toast: ok bye

Once he ended the call I put my phone away and thought why would he ask that question?!?!?! Do I even like corpse more than a friend

I mean he has been nice to me but I don't know I am a little confused I thought I wasn't gay....

Hmm maybe he changed that. Oh wait I looked at the time and it was 9:01 I grab the camera and go outside I see corpse open his door aswell

"Should we do the outro together" I ask corpse

"Probably" so we both step out of the room and decide to make the outro

It is just a random outro so we ended it and went to the couch to sit down

"I will make breakfast" I say and corpse just nods I make eggs and go sit next to corpse he turns on the tv and starts eating. I do the same

After like a hour corpse asks a question
"Who is Thomas" I froze out of shock i forgot i didn't tell him that was my real name

"Thomas is my real name but I prefer to go by sykkuno"
Only my parents call me Thomas

"Ah I see wait so who is Jeremy and Rachell?"
Hahahah in my head i thought it was funny that he asked

"You have meet them before"
He only meet rae and toast so I thought this answer was obvious

"Rachell is......Rae?"
Wow that one was easy but also surprised that he sounded not to  confident with his answer


"Wait so toast's real name is Jeremy?"
I don't know actually why he goes by toast but it is whatever


"Wow would have never thought"
That is what I thought to not going to lie

"Ok well since were on the path if questions who is Adam if you dont mind me asking?"

"Oh Adam is my real name but I prefer to go by corpse"

"Ohhhhh ok"

"Ok we should get to know each other more because we got a little distracted last time. So what is your favorite color?"

"My favorite color is black"
Wow it explains why he wears it a lot

"My favorite color is green or blue"
I couldnt pick one so I said then both

"I have a question"
Corpse says

"Ok go for it"
I say Wondering what his question is

"How long did you know Toast and Rae?"

"Umm let's see so I knew toast since 1st grade and knew Rae since 3rd grade"

Wow I knew them for a long time now that I think about it

"Wow" he says

"Next question do you like someone?"
Wow he really just asked that

I felt my face heat up
"I-uh-I-, I don't know if I am being honest. H-how about you?"

"Ummm I might like someone"

"I-I see"
Hmm I wonder who he likes

"Well I should probably edit the video now"

"Oh ok talk to you later" I say

He just gets up and goes to his room

"Umm wait can I get your camera so I can get the recordings?"

"Sure" I say as I give him the camera

He leaves and so I decide to go to my room.

Oh room how much I missed you I started to laugh at what I just said

I see a envelope on my bed and wonder who put it there.

It was probably corpse I say I open it and remember when toast gave it to me during class

By this time it was 7:30 hmmm I am just going to watch some YouTube and maybe after I might go to sleep

I watch YouTube and go to sleep

Ok so sorry this chapter was bad but it is because my grandparents came so I was bonding with them and didn't play my phone or iPad a lot.  Ummm oh yeah there is like 8 chapters left I think I am not to sure

Word Count: 930 words

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