??jEaLoUsY?? Pt2

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Ummm ok so the video is of a kpop group called treasure and they are acting. The video is really cute but it is about friendships and relationships. Ummm it is kind of about guy and guy love so if you don't like that kind of stuff then you shouldn't watch it. Well what am I talking about if you don't like that's tuff then why are you here? LOL But I watched it and I thought it was really cute so I recommend it.
Corpse perspective:

It like the 20th of December or something I don't even know. I woke up and got dressed. I was wearing a black sweatshirt with black jeans. I thought about how I could have saved sykkuno and felt guilty so I wanted to try and be nice to him.

I went out side of my room and noticed sykkuno wasn't there so I just suspected that he was in the cafeteria getting breakfast.

I went to the cafeteria because I wanted to see sykkuno. I mean I wanted to talk to him. I went to the cafeteria and saw sykkuno sitting with two other people. I wondered who they were and if they were dating sykkuno. WAIT why would I need to know that. Ummm yeah.....whatever.

I see the male person look at me then sykkuno looks back to and he is blushing???? Why would he be blushing. Did he like them or what.

Sykkuno says  "Hi corpse!" While waving at me

I see him and decide to walk to him and waved.

"Hello corpse this is rae, rae this is corpse. Corpse this is toast, toast this is corpse"
he says

I say, they looked at me with shook on there face. I forgot my voice was so deep and after I said that I was relieved that they didn't think I was weird.

"OMG your voice is AMAZING" Said I think her name was Rae 

"Sykkuno I see why you-" she says. Sees what?
Did Sykkuno tell them how weird, annoying, and ugly I was?!?! No he couldn't have right. He seems so innocent and kind.

"SHHHHH rae not now." he says well that made me even more nervous not going to lie.

"Well corpse you can sit with us if you want"
Sykkuno says. I didn't want to eat becuase of my GERD and I didn't want to lie to him so that is exactly what I said.

" I will but I won't eat becuase I have GERD"
He looks at me as if he feels bad for me. I didn't want to lie to him though.

"O-oh sorry i didn't know but at least we can all get to know each other!"
I was happy he wasn't stuttering as much because I didn't want him to be to scared of me. I wanted to get to know him and his friends.

I sit next to sykkuno becuase I didn't want to sit next to toast I think it was. I noticed there wasn't that much space. I didn't want to move though, I noticed Rae moved to sit next to toast. Thank god because I didn't want to move.

I look at toast and he looks extremely jealous. He likes sykkuno I can already feel just by how he acts. He even had the audacity to get up and sit next to sykkuno. I could tell sykkuno was really uncomfortable and squished.

I get so mad for some reason. Why was I mad that toast liked sykkuno??!?! Did I like sykkuno. No that is crazy.

"So corpse how do you like being roomates with MY BEST FRIEND sykkuno?"

Why did he literally have to yell it. I get it you like him, wait is this his way of telling me he isn't up for grabs. Because sykkuno didn't tell me he was dating someone. And I didn't even know if he was gay.

I just shrugged. When I shrugged I could see sykkuno get worried. Wait i didn't mean it like that I just didn't want to speak.

Sykkuno is talking to Rae while me and toast just stare at each other for dominance. I look at sykkuno and give toast like the side eye to be protective of him.

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