♡♡ChRiStMaS Pt.2♡♡

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He turned evil in the video. It kind if scared me how easily he could have one at some points. I like how all of there friends be saying like you've changed and GTA has changed you and I think it is hilarious. I recommend everyone to watch the video. I wrote this on my Laptop so if it is written differently know you know why.


Corpse perspective:

I woke up and today was Christmas. I opened my eyes and hoped that today wouldn't be awkward. I wake up and smell something good. I go out of my room and see sykkuno on the couch using his phone.

"Good morning corpse. Marry Christmas."
He says to me. wow i guess things wont be awkward between us.

"Good morning sy. What smells so good?"
I say because i am so hungry but i only eat when i am with sy because i am scared to eat to much food and be in pain because of my GERD.

"I made breakfast come on let's eat"

We sit on the table and eat the food. We didn't say anything for a little so I try and start a conversation.

"They taste so good! And I love the shape it is so cute"
I saw while enjoying the amazing food he made.

"T-thanks corpse. I am glad you like the food."                                                                                                         He is so cute when he stutters.

"So what do you want to do?"
I ask him kind of excited to give him my present.

"Um we can make some chocolate because I bought chocolate chips when we went shopping."  

Wait why would he buy chocolate chips??? was he planning this?? how did i not even notice that he brought them. I mean I guess I was having a staring contest with toast the whole entire time.

I say happy that we can have chocolate.

We start to get the materials and melt the chocolate. we start to put chocolate in the molds when i look at sykkuno to see what he was doing and see him eat the melted chocolate.

"Sy don;t eat the melted chocolate. We have to put it in the molds"
I say. He quickly turns to me because i don't think he knew i was there

"But it is SOOOO good!!"                                                                                                                                                      He says in a excited tone.

"I see you have a sweet tooth."

I say while laughing because of how excited he was about eating chocolate.

We go back to doing our work. I start to put the molds in the fridge and when I close the door I see sykkuno eat some more chocolate.

"Sy go to the couch before you eat all the melted chocolate. "
I say in a serious tone because at this rate we wont have any chocolate because he will eat it all.

"The chocolate is so good I can't control myself."

He says while walking to the couch. I hope he isn't mad at me but if he is I have something that will probably make him happy.

I finish putting the molds into the fridge so i go to sykkuno to see what he is doing I see him on the couch looking through his phone. I sit down next to him and he realizes soon after so he makes a pouty face. AWWWWWWWWW it was so cute!!!!!! So I decide to ask him if he is mad to see what he would do.

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