First day!!! pt2

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I thought this video was HILARIOUS so I added it so If anyone is reading this you should watch it. Umm this is corpse version of the last chapter. Umm yeah hope you like it.


Corpse perspective:

I woke up and noticed that I didn't hear a alarm so I got worried

I checked the clock and I realized I was late
"Fuck!! Shit!!! Fuck!!!"

I got ready as fast as I could and got my bags ready becuase I didn't even go to my dorm yet so I have to do that.

I drove to the dorm and noticed that someone had already put there bags in a room so I took the other room.

It was weird becuase I had a bigger room even though the other person came here first that is weird.

I didn't matter right now though so I dropped my bags really fast and went to my first class.

Luckily I have only one class a day because this is my last day of college. Thank fucking god becuase I dont want to see peoples face for a long time.

I went to my first class and the teacher did exactly what I didn't want her to do.

"Your LATE" of course she had to fucking say that now everyone was looking at me

"I know"

I look around the class for a empty chair but there is only one in the front.

GREAT I have to sit in the front where everyone can just talk about me

I sit down and sigh becuase I hate this seat.

The teacher is talking about stuff and I don't even pay attention.

There are people in the class that are throwing paper at the kid next to me. It was getting on my fucking nerves so I ripped a paper out of my notebook and throw it at the guy.

"HEY young sir please dont throw paper around"

"TELL THEM TO STO- never mind"
I would have said more but I didn't want to get in trouble anymore

I was so annoyed and mad becuase this is my first year at this college and I can already tell that its shit.

The class ends thank god I can go to my dorm and not have to talk to anyone anymore.

The kid who was getting paper thrown at came up to me and said

"Thanks for helping me back there!!"

"Dont talk to me"
I was getting annoyed and just wanted to go to my dorm as fast as I can

"O-oh o-ok"
why was he stuttering? Did I scare him? If I did maybe he would leave me alone.

I put my headphones in and start to walk away.

I hear someone bang against the wall so I turned around and saw that kid getting bullied.

I thought about helping but I was over this BS and just decided to go to my dorm and not help. 

I get to my dorm and change into sweatpants becuase I didn't want to be in Jean's all day that is PAINFUL

I wonder who my roommate is. Maybe he will be scared and not talk to me.

I look for something little becuase I haven't ate anything becuase of my GERD.

I hear the door open and turn around and see the guy who I sat next to in class.

"My roommate is YOU?!?!"


"What happens to your face"

He didn't even answer me and just walked away THAT LITTLE BITCH

I thought since he stutter maybe he is scared of my and will just leave me alone

I hear a knock and I dont like interactions and thankfully my roomate says

"I got it" he walks at of his room and opens the door.

"Hi rae!" Hmmm I wonder who rae is

"Hi sykkuno" she looks at me and says
"Hi sykkunos roommate"

I get scared and my throat starts to clog up so I just decide to wave

She then says "what happened to your face"

"I feel down the stairs I can be so clumsy some times hehe"

I know he is lying and I stare at him and my eyes just tell him "your lying"

He gulps

she says "well you should clean those cuts they look bad"

He says "will do Rae"

She says she is going to leave or something like that I wasn't really listening but I saw her wave at me so I wave back becuase I ant saying anything

She leaves and I say "you should clean your cuts"

"I-I dont know how to"

"I'll help you come on"
I wanted help him becuase I watched him get beat up so i guess it is the best thing i can do

We go to the bathroom and i realize how he is so short so i decide to go on one knee and clean his cuts.

"This might hurt.....uh.....wait...what is your name"

"My name is sykkuno"

"Oh well my name is corpse"

"Nice to meet you corpse"

I was going to ask why he was lying but we were so close so I decided not to say anything

We go to our rooms and decide to go to sleep and I cant sleep easily.

I start thinking and remember how close we were and I start to feel my checks go hot

WAIT why was I blushing. What is wrong with me

I then fall fast asleep

Umm this is my second chapter this is bad I hope you have a good day everyone

Word count: 961 words

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