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Corpse and sykkuno are so cuteeeeeeee. You didn't have to you were just jealous. LOL when corpse said that I died.
Sykkuno's perspective:

I woke up and today was the 20th of December a friday.

I didn't want to make breakfast and today I had plans to eat breakfast with rae and toast!

I got up and got dressed for the day and went out of my room.

I notice corpse was still asleep so I grabbed my phone and backpack and stuff like that and left the door.

I went to the cafeteria and tried to look for them I saw rae and toast on a table in the corner so I made my way to them.

I got there and said
"Hello toast and Rae!"

"Hi sykkuno!" They say at the same time.

I sit next to rae and toast is on the other side of the table.

"So sykkuno how do you like your roommate?" Rae asks

"He is scary not going to lie but he is nice and his hair looks really fluffy" OH JESUS why did I say that

"OoooOooo did some thing happen" oh jesus why does rae have to be so smart

"N-no after you came over he just helped me clean my cuts"

while saying that after I remember how close our face was and I start to blush

"Then why are you blushing?"

"N-n I- becuase I am in t-the spotlight."

"Ok sureee"
I love rae but at times like these I dont know

I see toast and he looks mad???? I dont know but he then looks behind me and I turn around to see what he is looking at and it is corpse.

I say "Hi corpse!"

He just looks at me and waves and walks over.

"Hello corpse this is rae, rae this is corpse. Corpse this is toast, toast this is corpse"

"Hi" everyone looks at him with there jaws open.

"OMG your voice is AMAZING" rae says

"Sykkuno I see why you-"

"SHHHHH rae not know"

"Well corpse you can sit with us if you want" I say because I want to be polite

" I will but I won't eat becuase I have GERD"

"O-oh sorry i didn't know but at least we can all get to know each other!"

Corpse sits next to me but there isnt enough space so rae moves to sit next to toast

I look at toast and he looks jealous? I see him get up and sit to the other side of me.

He sits so close to me it is uncomfortable

I turn to see corpse and he looks mad or something I couldn't really see becuase of how close I was to toast and him

"So corpse how do you like being roomates with MY BEST FRIEND sykkuno?"

Why did toast have to say it like that. But I did want to know the answer

He just shrugs. Wait does he not like to be my roomate. I thought I was nice to him....hmm....I guess not

I just eat my breakfast while talking to rae across the table.

I can feel eyes looking at me and I get up to go sit nex to rae so we can talk more clearly

I see toast and corpse look at me as if they are hurt by my actions. Wait why would they be hurt? I was literally suffocating in the middle of them.

I just go back to talking to rae when I see corpse and toast looking each other in the eyes as if they are having a conversation with there eyes.

We leave lunch and go to our classes


I go back to my dorm walking with corpse when I see toast run up to us and say

"Hey sykkuno can I come over?"

"Uhhh sure if you want. Corpse you dont mind right?"

"No. I don't mind"

"Ok!! Well let's go!"

We go inside and I am hungry and I want pizza I have made up my mind.

"Do you guys want pizza?"

"Sure" they say at the same time

"We can watch a movie you guys pick one out while I order it"


After I finished with the order I go out the the living room and see that they are fighting?



"Ummmm guys?"

"Hey sykkuno your ROOMATE wants to watch a dumb movie and I want to watch a good one"

"NOO your movie is trash not mine"

"Well why dont we let sykkuno pick. Sykkuno which movie do you want to watch. Breaking dawn pt2 or hunger games"

"U-uh I-I um"

They both are looking at me and I dont know wich one to pick.

"P-probably b-breaking dawn p-pt2."


"Ughh fine whatever"

I hear the doorbell and I go to go get it and pay for it. I sit on the couch and toast sits on my right and corpse sits on my left.

I see the fighting part and I dont really like it so I get scared and accidentally hold corpses hand.

"I-I am sorry I didn't m-mean to."

"It is fine"
he moves his head closer to mine and says
"I like it ;)"

I look over to toast who is just staring at corpse with anger. I turn really red and next thing I know I feel asleep.

Hey ummm i dont know if this is a good chapter but you know it is whatever. Well umm I hoped you liked it and I hope you have a nice day oh and next week is spring break for me so I will probably be uploading more becuase I have no dumb school to worry about. Well bye

Word count: 1,001words

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