☆getting to know eachother better pt.2☆

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I love this video and the kids in it are SO CUTE. There is drama in this video and I didn't even think there could be. Lol at the end of the video they looked so tired. They look like they ran a marathon. While you are watching the video might as well just listen to all of there songs becuase they are so good


Corpse perspective:

I woke up at like 8:10 and today is 23rd of December. Christmas is almost here and I dont even know what to do.

I might order some Christmas decor from Amazon hopefully it will get here safely. So maybe tomorrow we can decorate the dorm.

By the time I was done I checked my phone and it was 8:40. Wow that took a long time.

I go to the bathroom and see his mirror.  Oh shit I forgot to fix my mirror. Hopefully he isn't scared of me by now. Maybe he didn't see it, who am I kidding he definitely saw it.

Should I get sykkuno something??? I don't think I can order something because I dont want whatever I am going to get to be damaged.

Wait I have this cute necklace that I dont wear but it is cute. It is just a gold necklace but in the middle there is a emerald heart.

I dont know what his favorite color is but hopefully he likes green.

It is time to do the outro so I open the door and see sykkuno and he says

"Should we do the outro together"

"Probably" i say so we both step out of the room and decide to make the outro together since this is a shared channel

The outro was kind of random. After we finish sykkuno says

"I will make breakfast" I  just nod and he makes eggs so I sit on the couch and turn on the tv I watch it and eat with sykkuno. It as quite but it wasn't awkward.

After like a hour i decide to start a conversation
"Who is Thomas"
I dont know if that was random but I was curious

"Thomas is my real name but I prefer to go by sykkuno"
I did not know sykkuno's real name is Thomas...wow

"Ah I see wait so who is Jeremy and Rachell?"
Are they his friends?

"You have meet them before"
What? Him saying that made me confused but I only have meet rae and toast so that is who I say

"Rachell is......Rae?"
That made sense since it kind of sounds like that


"Wait so toast's real name is Jeremy?"
Hahahahshahsh that make me less scared of him


"Wow would have never thought"
I don't know how Jeremy and Toast sound the same or how he even got that nickname but it is whatever

"Ok well since were on the path if questions who is Adam if you dont mind me asking?"
Hahahah wow I see he saw the drawing I made when I was little.

"Oh Adam is my real name but I prefer to go by corpse"

"Ohhhhh ok"
He sounded suprises but I guess this is the way to friendship [or maybe more ;) ]

"Ok we should get to know each other more because we got a little distracted last time. So what is your favorite color?"
That is true though

"My favorite color is black"

I am surprised he didn't guess that though becuase that is the only color I wear

"My favorite color is green or blue"
That could not have been better. Wow it is almost like that necklace was made for him.

"I have a question"
I says

"Ok go for it"
Wow he is ready for anything

"How long did you know Toast and Rae?"
I wanted to know what I am going up against

"Umm let's see so I knew toast since 1st grade and knew Rae since 3rd grade"

Damn it he knew toast for a long time shit

"Wow" I say

"Next question do you like someone?"
That question just slipped out of my mouth by accident

He started to blush and then said
"I-uh-I-, I don't know if I am being honest. H-how about you?"

Hmmn I think he likes someone because of how he blushed

"Ummm I might like someone"
Trying to give him a hint but I don't think he got it

"I-I see"
He is cute when he stutters

"Well I should probably edit the video now" I say

"Oh ok talk to you later" he says

I get up from the couch and go to my room

"Umm wait can I get your camera so I can get the recordings?"

"Sure" he says

I go to my room and close the door I being the cameras to my table and start to edit my parts. Wow they are so cringy and I don't even look good in them

I finishe editing them and it is like 7:00 so I decide to start to edit sykkunos parts

I put them in my laptop and he looks so small and cute in them. I may have spent a little bit just looking at him and admiring how cute he looks in the videos

One I finish editing and uploading it. It was like 8:30 so i got to sykkunos room to see what he is doing and he is sleeping

I shouldn't I tell myself but I couldn't stop myself so I just went up to him and kissed his forehead.

Awwww he looks so cute when he sleeps. I go back to my room and lay in bed. Ok I dont know if this is weird but my bed smells like him. I decide to go to sleep and I feel my eyes shut.

Wooooo!!!!! Today is my birthday and for me and where I live there is no school today.  I am so lucky :) While I am here I might as well say happy birthday to my cousin as well because we share birthdays which I think is cool. sorry this chapter is eh but the good stuff is about to happen in like 2 chapters I am not ready but it is whatever.

Word count: 1052 words

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