~~~~Last day of college~~~~

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I literally am obsessed with this song. It is so good and it just hits close to home. I love how he made George and sapnap part of the music video, true friendship right there.
Also don't forget these last 2 chapter and going to happen on the last day of college I have decided to do a BIG time skip because I feel like this is when this scene or chapter would fit best. Sorry I haven't wrote or updated my book in a long time. But I am writing now so I can get this over with.

TW/// homophobic people
(It isn't really bad, they just ask where his boyfriend is and nothing more. They don't call him any really mean things, they only call him a bitch and that is it. I don't exactly know if this counts as a homophobic person but I just wanted to write it just in case.)


Sykkunos perspective:
I woke up on my boyfriends bed. I open my eyes and see the empty room around me. We packed all our things throughout this week and now our dorm just looks so empty. I get my phone and check the time, OooOoo guess who woke up early. I carefully get up trying not to wake up corpse but that was hard when I realized corpse had his arms around me. I picked up his arm and got off the bed. I put his hand back on the bed and mission success he didn't wake up!

I go to the kitchen which is empty. I look for something to cook for breakfast and I found pancake mix. I could make pancakes woo! I was almost done making the pancakes when I feel arms go around my sides, I flinch at the unfamiliar feeling but then realized it was just corpse. I then said
"Good morning corpse, I am almost done with the pancakes"
"Good morning sy, what time did you wake up?" Corpse asked
"Not that early I just decided to make pancakes so we don't have to eat the weird breakfast food they have there." I say
"Mmmm I see" god I don't think I will every get tired of his morning voice.

The rest of the time while I was making pancakes corpse was just holding me. I didn't really mind because I found it cute. I finished making pancakes and we ate breakfast.

(Time skip to when they are done eating breakfast... I am to lazy!)

I put both our plates away and we go to our room to change. Once I was done changing I went out of my room and grabbed my backpack. I went to go grab my phone and it wouldn't turn on. Oh Jesus it is dead.

Corpse came out of his room and grabbed his backpack as well.

I then tell him " Corpse my phone is dead so I won't bring it becuase it would be useless"
"Ok love"
I love it went he calls me that

We head out our dorm for the last time for school. I liked this school year because I meet corpse.

We are walking to school when Corpse asks

"Does Dyllen or his gang disturb or are mean to you anymore?" Hmm I wonder why he would bring them up
"No but I always hear them talking and laughing behind me during class"
"Ok that's good!"
"Because I want to keep my little bean sprout safe" once he said that I started to blush and he started to laugh at me.

We got inside of our class and I see Dyllen point at me and laugh. The teacher wasn't here yet and I saw corpse give them the middle finger.

I was shocked at what corpse did but didn't say anything about it. We sat in our seats and the teacher came in. He said
"Since this is the last day of college and we already did our test you guys can do anything. But just don't do anything that will get either you or me in trouble. Like just don't."

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