※※※Telling the group※※※

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I LITERALLY LOVE THIS SONG. Rae looks sooooo good in it. If you havent watched it i recommended to. Rae is in another Music Video!! TOAST IS IN THIS CHAPTER ·̑◡·̑. YESSS I WAS ABLE TO WRITE AND POST A NEW CHAPTER FOR THIS BOOK LETSS GOOO!!!!! ALSO THANKSSS FOR 2K READSSS I APPRECIATE IT!!

(I don't really know if this is a trigger warning but I am just going to write it just in case.)

Sykkuno perspective:

I open my eyes and look next to me and see my cute boyfriend. Hhehehe i love how that sounds.

I remember we have school today and I look at my phone to see what time it is.

OH JESUS we have to get ready unless where going to be late.

I shake corpse awake. He starts to rub his eye and he then says.

"Why did you wake me up?"

"We have to get ready for school unless where going to be late!"

"Oh yeah I forgot"

I get up and go to my room. I change as fast as I can and leave my room. I see corpse isnt on the couch anymore so I guess he is changing.

What about breakfast? OH JESUS I dont think we have time to make anything or to get breakfast at school.

I look in the fridge and remembere that we made chocolate. I can eat chocolate for breakfast. I take 2 out of the mold.

Corpse comes out of his room and I say to him.

"Corpse come here. For breakfast we are going to have chocolate."

"Ok... but dont eat to much i dont want you to get hiper." He says

Does he think i am a child?!? I dont get hiper that is crazy..... maybe sometimes......but whatever

I just nod. I give him his chocolate and we get our backpacks and run out the door.

We are walking to school when I remember about Rae and Toast. Should we tell them me and corpse are dating?! I think we should but i should ask corpse.

"I have a question"

"Go ahead love"

"Are we going to tell toast and rae that we are dating?!?"

Once I said that he looked like he was thinking.

"I am ok with telling them but we should tell them during lunch" he says


By the time we finished talking we were inside the school. We walk to our class.

I immediately see my bullies. I forgot about them..I start to shake.. well at least I had some fun for a little.

Corpse notices that I am shaking and sees them and whispers in my ear

(If i tell you a secret will you keep it? SORRy I had to)

"Dont be scared I am here to protect you"

I start to relax because he said that and we go to our seats.

I go to sit down and they pull the chair from under me. So i feel straight to the floor.

They started to laugh and I was still on the floor not moving. Corpse gets up from his chair and puts his hand out.

I take his hand and he lifts me up. He then points to his chair while saying.

"Sit here Sy"

Wow he is so nice. I just nod and sit there. Now he is infront of them. What if they hit corpse?? I shouldnt have switched sets wih him.

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