~~Decorating For Christmas Pt.2~~

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I love how they reacted to this. I laughed so much with karl's reaction let's just say someone was jelly that someone met sykkuno and that someone met corpse.

Corpse perspective:
I woke up to my alarm. I set up a alarm so I can wake  up before the packages came.

I am excited for Christmas because I might plan on telling sykkuno I like him but I don't even know if he likes me back. He probably doesn't.

I hear a knock and go to the door I get the packages and put then on the table for later.

After that I hear my phone ding hmm how weird. It is from someone unknown

Unknown: I told you not to make moves and I think you found your spot

Corpse: unmm who the fuck is this?

Unknown: don't play dumb. You know damn well who this is.

Corpse: I don't know who this is so just tell me

This person is so annoying. They should just tell me what the fuck they want

Unknown: It is sykkunos future boyfriend

I choke on my water while drinking it Now I know who this is.

(Corpse has changed the contact to bitch boy)

bitch boy: why the fuck would my contact be that

Corpse: becuase it is true

Bitch boy: whatever anyways I saw you saw the letter I sent sykkuno.

Corpse: wait how do you know?!?!?

bitch boy: it is in the back of your video.

Corpse: oh yeah I saw it what about it

bitch boy: now you should know your place.

Him saying that got on my nerves

Corpse: ok I don't give a fuck about what you think JeReMy.

bitch boy: how do you know my real name?

Corpse: sykkuno told me. Wait how did you get my number?!?!

bitch boy: I just know anyways sykkuno is mine and I am going to confess to him right when the snowstorm ends.

Corpse: not if I do it first

bitch boy: what is that supposed to mean?

Corpse: let's just say I am going to get an amazing Christmas gift.


Corpse: heh you cant stop me

(You have blocked this number you can no longer send or receive text)

What a dick head. Wow now i definitely have to tell sy. I just hope he feels the same way

Hmm I wonder how our YouTube video is doing so I go to the channel. Oh bingus it has a lot of views. I was so shocked and wonder why people would watch it.

I go to the comments and see everyone talking shit. OMG SYKKUNO CANT SEE THIS

I start to run to sykkunos room and say

"Sy dont read the comm- I see you already have"

I see him crying. My hear broke why would someone want to make someone so nice and innocent cry?!??! I will make them pay.

I try and make him feel better by telling him some nice things

"Sy they are probably jealous of you ok please don listen to them. They don't know you and I do. I know that you are a amazing friend and I don't want to lose you. You are very important and you very handsome as-well. They are just wannabes and are mean. Ok?"

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