A Friend

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Regina's POV

Hecate transferred us into her room again. "Regina, would you like to sit here on the sofa or across from me on the other chair?" Stars! My one weakness! Decisions. "um... Heh." Hecate looked at me weird. "it's a simple choice." "yes, it should be. I'm going to say sofa." "sit down then." Hecate sat in a chair and I sat near her on the edge of the sofa.

"would you like some tea?" "maybe later, I'm still a bit full from that amazing dinner you made." She blushed before smiling. "why, thank you." She leant over and kissed my cheek again. Was this her new thing? Every time she says thank you, she kisses my cheek? I mean if that's the case I'm doing more things for her. "Are you alright, Regina?" "I'm fine, just making a mental image of you."

She summoned a cup of tea for herself and took a sip. "why?" she took another sip. "oh, you know, just encase I want to make a drawing of beauty itself later." She spat out her tea. "Are you alright?" "where did that come from!?" "you know, where I come from a simple thank you would suffice." She laughed slightly. "thank you." Sure enough, she leant forward and kissed my cheek again.

I could smell the tea on her breath as she leant back. "seriously, where did that come from?" I pointed at my cheek. "ah, I see you've found out my tactic." "I have." "what are you going to do about it?" "You know. Just do favours for you, compliment you and help you. Just general friend things." "friend?" "I was hoping we were, but it's completely fine if we aren't!" "no, it's just that I haven't heard anyone call themself my friend for a long time."

"honestly, same." "I know about the mistress rule and drawing rule but what other rules did you have at Wormwoods?" "where to start!? We had the everything greyscale rule, shoe rule, hair rules, attitude rules, magic rules, outside connection rule, familiar rule, potion rules and the most important rule of all; no laughing." "no laughing? Like not at all?" "nope, none at all." "sounds boring." "it was." "greyscale rule?" "I'm wearing it." "oh." "yeah, you'd fit right in." "that school sounds weird." "hey! To me you lot are the weird ones."

"Regina?" "hm?" "I walked past your room earlier and saw you carrying a large container of lollipops, are those for personal consumption or?" "yes, they're for the students." "I don't think some of the older ones will want lollipops as rewards, especially our current fifth year class." I smirked. "you'll see." "okay?" She sounded both concerned and confused.

"Hecate?" "yes?" "you see, I'm in a bit of a personal dilemma." "what do you mean?" "well, I've been at Wormwoods my entire life and with their no magic rule I barely know any spells, only the ones I've picked up from students. I've noticed how good you are at magic, so I was hoping?" "hoping what?" "could you please teach me!?" "sure."

"wait, really!?" "yes, I work in a school Regina I am used to teaching. What's one extra student?" I got up and I hugged her. "thank you!" "Regina." I pulled back. "yes?" "I'm waiting." She tilted her head. "oh! Of course, how silly of me." I leant in and gave her a quick kiss. She just stared at me. "why did you do that!?" "it's such a big favour so I thought that a bigger kiss was needed."

"Didn't you have something against kissing?" "only when received from one specific person" "who?" "guess." "she didn't!" "she did." "how often?" "every night she could." "sorry if it's a little intrusive, but did she bite?" "all the time." "poor you." I was suddenly on her lap. "uh, what are you doing?" "showing you what a proper kiss is like." She suddenly kissed me, of course I kissed back. This whole kissing thing wasn't so bad after all.

"could you stay the night?" 

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