A Lot Of French

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Regina's POV

We eventually parted ways and went to bed. This woman's reaction to me swearing will forever be in my mind.

As I lay in bed my mind wondered, what would have happened if Ada didn't step in? Would we have kissed? That's what it felt like. At least we were still doing the thank you thing. I would be getting my first magic lesson tomorrow. It excited me as I would be finally learning actual spells. I'm surprised I fell asleep at all that night.

When I woke up, I hear a knock on my door, it was Ada collecting me for breakfast. We had porridge for breakfast again, but I didn't mind I was too happy to complain. According to Ada, Hecate gets up quite early even in summer holidays so she had already had breakfast.

I spent the day organising my new classroom. Tiding shelves, painting walls, decorating walls, making sure I had enough books, cleaning up the desks and cleaning the blackboard. It took quite a bit of effort to get everything perfect.

I hadn't noticed Hecate had entered my room at dinner time, as I was floating in the air trying to touch up one wall that was being a pain. "Regina?" I was surprised enough that I fell, but Hecate managed to catch me. She looked at with concern. Say something, anything you idiot! "Tu es mignon d'ici." What the fuck, brain! "what did you just say?" "don't worry, nothing bad." "okay?" she put me back on the floor.

"why did you say it though?" "I don't know, just leave it be." "okay then. Are you okay? It was a bit of a fall." "Je vais bien, ma chère." "what?" "I said that I'm fine, my dear." "my dear?" I went pink in the cheeks. "can we go to dinner now?" "yes of course follow, me." "Merci." She looked at me before transferring us both away.

We saw Ada sat down waiting for us a s dinner was already cooked and ready to eat. "Il a l'air délicieux et sent incroyable." We sat down. "I could make out delicious and incredible maybe, so I think Hecate should take it as a compliment." "She should. C'est vraiment une sorcière talentueuse." "uh... Thank you." I looked at her and grinned. "but Ada..." "Je m'en fous!" "fine."she kissed my cheek.

"what Just happened?" Ada was so confused. "I learned a few French words while we were talking last night. I also learned the phrase 'Je m'en fous' means I don't care." fuck, she sounded good speaking French! "okay then."

We ate in silence for the duration of the time.

At the end of the meal Ada had left Hecate and I to clean up. "Why don't you eat lunch?" What a random question. "we were rarely allowed it at Wormwoods, so I just picked it up as a habit." "that's not good Regina, while you are staying in this castle you are having lunch." She said it kind of aggressively which kind of made me like her a little more, as she cared for me so much. "Bien sûr que tu t'en soucies, petite sorcière ennuyeuse." "I heard small." "are you sure?" "though with the things you say in French, it could be anything."

This gave me an idea.

"Hecate, Tu es incroyable, je t'aime et je ne veux pas partir ce soir. Je veux rester avec toi pour que tu puisses me garder au chaud et pour que je puisse dormir à côté de mon béguin et voir ton beau visage quand je me réveillerai demain dans le bonheur total."

"what did you just say!?" "guess you'll never know." "that was a whole speech." "and?" "I don't know if you were complimenting or insulting me." I grinned silently. " stop doing that, it's weird." I leant toward her smirking. "make me." She raised an eyebrow. "so, you want to play it this way." "what are you going to do? Spank me?" She faked thinking. "now, there's a thought." my voice was quiet and my face was horrified. "What?" "would you enjoy that? My little French girl." "uh... What!? No! No, I wouldn't. I would absolutely hate it." "uh huh." "Je ne le détesterais pas, j'apprécierais. ." "what was that?"

"nothing, Maîtresse."


-You're cute from here
-I'm fine, my dear
-Thank you
-It looks delicious and smells amazing
-She's really a talented witch.
-I don't care
-Of course you care, you little annoying witch
-Hecate, You're amazing, I love you and I don't want to leave tonight. I want to stay with you so you can keep me warm and so I can sleep next to my crush and see your beautiful face when I wake up tomorrow in total happiness
-I wouldn't hate it, I would enjoy it
-nothing, mistress

The French Teacher ( Hecate Hardbroom X OC) Where stories live. Discover now