The Potion Wears Off

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Regina's POV

We spent the rest of the day in Hecate's room reading and talking. She was quite chatty when she was under the influence of the potion. Then it came time for dinner where we decided to have it in her room as we knew the potion was about to wear off. Once we had finished Hecate lead down on the bed as she was starting to feel a little tired.

When I walked in there Hecate was waking up.

"Hello dear, how are you feeling?" "I'm fine, why are you still here? Why am I on the bed? How long have I been asleep for?" I sat on the edge of the bed and Hecate tensed up. "well, you fell asleep while we were talking last night. I called Ada and she said to lie you down on the bed so you could rest." She looked concerned. "Then I decided to stay and keep an eye on you incase something happened. So long story short, you've been asleep since yesterday." "right?" She sounded a little confused. "one more question." "yes?" "why am I wearing this." She had put on the short dress before she went to sleep. "you were hot so Ada changed your clothes." "alright."

"Hecate, how much do remember?" "of what?" "our conversation." "all I remember is up to the point where I agreed to teach you." I let out a sigh. Thank the stars she didn't remember what happened after that. "but..." oh no!

"I had this dream, and it felt so real." "oh really, what happened in it." She looked both embarrassed and happy. "we were walking in the garden and we bumped into Ada." "right?" "she said something about Potions and you laughed after I kissed you on the cheek." Why did she look so happy!? "what happened next?" "Ada transferred away after you two had a conversation about me. Then..." She laughed slightly. "then we heard Ada shouting about her plant Petunia." I laughed as well. "that's where the dream ended." So, she remembered little bits which is a little concerning, but as long as she thinks it's just in her dreams it's fine.

"are you okay to get up?" "yes, I should be fine." I left the room to give her some privacy. I sat on the sofa with Morgana in my lap, asleep. Hecate came into the room wearing her regular outfit.

"it is a bit late for you to travel back by broom, isn't it?" I look at the clock above her fireplace. 8:30pm. "it would be too dark, yes." "it is a little early for you to be going to bed, so would you mind staying in my room for a bit?" "whatever for, my dear." "contrary to popular belief I don't mind talking to people." I knew that! I smiled. "no, I wouldn't mind."

She sat next to me on the sofa and looked at Morgana. "she really likes you." "she does, doesn't she. Apart from when I'm in bed." "what!?" She thought Morgana came into my room! "Morgana wouldn't leave you alone when Ada tried but when I tried, she grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go." "that doesn't answer the question." "I woke up with her against my back so when I shifted, she woke up and hissed at me until I pet her." "pet her? She only lets me do that." "I must just be an exception." She looked at me smiling. "you are." "what?" "nothing! I need to get something from my classroom. I'll be back in a moment." She transferred away.

What was up with her?

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