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Hecate's POV

She transferred to her room after looking at us horrified.

"Regina!" "what?" "why would you say that!?" "we can finally have some fun without being interrupted because everyone is in bed." she placed her hands on my shoulders after slowly running them up my arms. "Are you flirting with me?" "what? Me? I would... Never do something like that." I smirked before picking her up and placing her on the counter.

She pulled me into a deep kiss.

I pulled down her dress and took off her bra, throwing it somewhere behind me. She did the same with my dress. We continued what we were doing before I reach to take off her bandage and she stops me. I look at her in question. "you don't want to see what is under that." "but I do, and what's the worst that could happen? I run off screaming."

She was hesitant before She let go of my wrist.

"go on then." She sounded a little upset. I carefully start unwinding the bandage as not to hurt whatever was underneath. I was just about to see when we hear something fall off the counter. We turn to see Morgana looking at us tilting her head. "Morgana?" she just purred before knocking a bowl off of the counter, I levitated it before it hit the floor.

Morgan a moved toward another bowl.

"don't you dare!" She knocked it off. "Obsidian, Arrêtez ça avant de commencer à dormir dehors à partir de maintenant." She looked at Regina in the face before walking out of the kitchen, head held high. "She knows French?" "nope, she just knows that I called her obsidian, which probably is the only reason why she listened to me." "what did you say?" "I said for her to stop otherwise she is sleeping outside." I looked at Regina with a slight smile on my face. "don't be nasty, she's only a cat." "she is a disturbance." "that's not true." "did she not just disturb us?" "I mean... Yes." "she is a disturbance then. Let's just get back to bed." "good idea."

I transferred us back to my room after she fixed her bandage.

We got into bed and she lay her head on my chest. I was a little annoyed at this so I lifted her chin to look at me. She looks at me with a look of question before lifting her head fully. I then lay my head on her chest and she rested her head on top of mine. She laughed before pulling the covers over us and we fell asleep.

Regina's POV

I woke up and kissed Hecate on the head to which I could feel her smile against my chest. She then looks up at me sleepily and I giggle at how cute she looks. She moves so that she level with me, leans in close and kisses me gently. "good morning, my dear." "morning, Amour." "what is that word?" "Amour?" "yes." "it means love." "oh..." She was silent. "Regina, do you... Love me?" "I suppose you could say that, yes." "well then."

She flipped us so she was on top of me again, like the first time. "you won't mind me doing this again." She started kissing my face all over, and I started giggling again. Then she started focusing on the lower part of my face. Then started focusing on my neck, she started kissing harder and biting. I gave in and just let her do what she wanted.

I didn't mind as my outfit covered most of my neck and shoulders, most!
She bit the highest up my neck she could, which was just above where my outfit covered. I didn't stop her though, I didn't care. I just let her carry on as she was enjoying just as much as I was.

We hear a knock on the door.

"Maria is making breakfast so be down in the kitchen in five minutes." "okay Ada!" "we'll be there soon!" we could hear her walk away from the door. "we should get dressed." "we should." we get out of bed and find our clothes; Hecate's dress was still in the main room from yesterday. I found my outfit except for my bra; I couldn't find it anywhere. "Hecate?" "yes?" "do you know where my bra is?" "with how many times it was taken off, it could be anywhere." "I'll look for it after breakfast, let's go."

I transferred us down.

We sat down after Maria and Ada had already started eating. "where have you two been?" "making a mess of my kitchen." "that was Morgana." "maybe, but you two left certain things in here last night." "did we?" "yes."

We ate in silence until Ada had left and then Maria started speaking. "you two didn't leave a stain like you said." "well, that's good." we didn't get the chance! And I'm back to reading Hecate's thoughts! "but you did leave something behind." She reached under the table. "would like to see what I woke up to find in my kitchen sink this morning." "show us."

She lifts up my bra!

"which one of you does this belong to?" I raise my hand a little. "it's mine." I blushed as she threw it at me. "if you are going to 'have fun' in my kitchen, at least take your clothes with you." "it was Hecate's fault!" "really?" "it was actually." "if she hadn't of thrown it so violently, I would have remembered it." "i was desperate, okay!" "I don't need details!" She has stood up with her face covered in blush. "at least cover up your hickey woman!" she screamed in frustration before leaving.

What did this woman think of me?  

The French Teacher ( Hecate Hardbroom X OC) Where stories live. Discover now