The first night at the house

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Regina's POV

We were sat talking until we hear a scream from down the hall. We turn toward the door to see Daisy running into the room. "that THING followed me." we look at where she is pointing to find Morgana sat licking her paw. "that's our familiar Morgana." "our? You share a familiar?" "yes, but she favours Regina more." "that's not true, she loves you just as much." "yeah right, Morgana?" she meowed. "who do you love more?" she walked over to us, jumped onto the sofa and sat down in my lap.

"told you, she was your familiar for a year and then you suddenly reappear and she loves more than her own mistress." "Morgana stop playing games." She moved so she was spread across both our laps and started falling asleep. "that can not be comfortable." "the cat likes what the cat likes." "she is a rather strange cat though." "I mean I'm not disagreeing, but she is still your cat." "she is just as much your cat as she is mine."

"would you look at that Will, dating a week and they already act like an old married couple." "you mean like we soon will be?" this got my attention. "I'm sorry, WHAT!?" "Didn't we tell you? We are engaged and have been for about two months now." "and you didn't tell me, your daughter, because?" "we were afraid you would freak out." 'yes Regina, calm down' "I am calm, dear." Hecate looked away from me and towards my mother's confused expression.

"what Just happened?" I had honestly forgotten that Daisy was there. "I can read her mind, it's a whole thing. Don't ask me how because I don't know." "okay then?" Hecate scoffed. "what's up with you?" "it's annoying you can read my thoughts." "it's not my fault i'm a mind witch!"

My mother let out a squeak. "my daughter is a mind witch!?" "yes mother, I am a mind witch." "is that why you're here, it's not just a weekend visit?" I turned to Daisy and shrugged as she rolled her eyes.

"Sam, leave her be. They have just travelled for hours, maybe they should have some alone time~" "Daisy!" "yes, Raven?" "Raven?" I turned toward Hecate. "it's my nickname, a raven flies around outside my room and lands on my balcony every night. Daisy noticed because her room is next to mine and she is staying here because of renovations, I was then given the name raven because the raven only likes me."

"I'm not surprised, everyone in our family is an animal witch except myself. I am a water witch." "really? How?" "my father, being a type of witch is usually passed down through generations. That's why I'm surprised Regina is a mind witch considering who her father is." "who is my father?" "some non-magical guy I met, we got along great at the start but once he found out I was a witch and also pregnant he left me for another woman."

"sorry, but I'm curious." "go right ahead dear, you're going to be my daughter in law soon so don't be afraid to ask me questions." "mother! We have been dating a week!" "and? I can tell you'll be engaged some day." "yes some day, not now!" She lifted her cup of tea up to her mouth. I could hear her laugh slightly into her cup before saying her best comment of the afternoon. "as long as I get grandchildren I don't give a damn."

I stood up.

"mother!" she placed her cup down and raised an eyebrow. "we physically can't!" "I mean, we could if we used magic." "you, shut up!" "Shes right Regina or, because of your age, you could always adopt." I sat back down annoyed. "yes, I suppose we could." "have you picked a child yet?" She was doing it just to annoy me. "yes, we have actually." I looked at hecate in suspicion. "What do you mean?" "Regina?" "we have done it before, several times. Hecate would change what she looked like and um..." "and what?" I went back to having knees against my chest. "there may be a possibility that she is pregnant."

My mother sat with wide eyes as she looked between us. I started laughing and Hecate followed. "What!?" "we were joking Sammy, we see the students at Cackles as our children." "I feel like you don't deserve to call me Sammy." "what would you do if she was pregnant anyway?" she took a moment to think. "I don't know, the last time I saw her in person was just after she had turned twelve. I just kind of still think of her as quite young."

Hecate turned to me.

"is that true?" "I wasn't allowed to leave the grounds." "wow, I was allowed to see my mother as she would visit. Until she passed away seven years ago." "your mother is dead?" "yes, she was an amazing woman." "really? What was her name?" "ironically enough, Regina." "her name was Regina?" "yes." "okay, that's not creepy." "I suppose it is a little, you remind me of her." "really?" "yes. She was kind, caring, smart and creative, she was exactly like you."

She had started crying a little so I leant up to wipe away her tears and she leant her head on my chest. "awe!" we ignored my mother as Hecate transferred us to edge of the sofa, she lead in my lap with her head on my chest and my hand stroking her hair.

"Will, look." he looked up from a sheet of paper he was reading and smiled. "as much as I dislike the woman she is quite nice to Regina, I can't believe I'm going to be related to her some day." "good luck when that day arrives, should we leave them until dinner?" "yes, let's let them rest." When my mother closed the door I stopped stroking her hair and slouched down a bit.

We fell asleep

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