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Hecate's POV

We started flying with Regina in front of me and Morgana on the back of my broom. She refused to get off. I was behind Regina in case she fell or her stomach hurt again and she had to stop. Ada had called in a medic witch and Regina now had to apply a lotion every six hours and massage every two.

We didn't know if she would be able to make it the whole way.

After two hours she was starting to slow down and that made me concerned, we ended up stopping in a forest on the outskirts of a non-magical town.

"are you alright Regina?" "yes, my stomach." "I told you we wouldn't make it the whole way in one go." "I just need to lie down for a bit and I'll be fine." "lie down? Where Regina?" "we could find somewhere in the town." "no!" "you really dislike non-magical things, don't you?" "a previous teacher solidified that bias." "I'm not going to ask, what are we going to do?" "I have a blanket you can lay down on." "I suppose it will do."

I took out the blanket and led it down.

She sat down on the blanket. "lay down." "fine." She led down. I knelt down next to her, I removed her belt and lifted her top up slightly to expose her midriff. I start gently moving my hands and she relaxes. After a while she had somehow managed to fall asleep, I nudge her arm. "Regina?" "what!?" she bolted up and I laugh slightly at her panicked expression. "nothing my dear, you just dozed off for a while." "oh." She led back down. "five more minutes." "no, don't you want to see your soon to be stepfather?" She grumbled before moving onto her side.

I laugh at her before she transferred me so I was against her chest. "Regina, we are in the middle of nowhere." "and? As I said, five more minutes." "I suppose he can wait." I snuggled in close and she wrapped her arms around me. Morgana then came and rested between our legs, we didn't mind.

After a few minutes I look back up at her.

"are you alright?" "my stomach still hurts a little." "hey, if your not up to it you could always sit on the back of my broom." "and take up Morgana's spot?" "She can have your broom." She laughed at that. "let the cat have her own broom?" "she is more mature than some of the students I have had. Plus, I will be piloting using magic. Morgana will just have to sit there." "fine by me."

After a few quick moments we were good to go.

Regina sat behind me with her arms around my waist while Morgana sat on the other broom watching us. "Your hair smells nice." I had also plaited my hair earlier. "Are you alright?" "I think the side effect of spell is setting in." "this late!? I feel like there is something wrong."

When I massage her stomach I use a spell, the spell has a side effect that to help deal with the pain it makes the receiver a little loopy. The side effect normally happens two or three minutes after the spell is cast not ten, it has never taken this long.

"I feel fine Hecate, you could have just not been concentrating enough, so the spell may not be working perfectly." "I suppose." "I would be more concerned if it hadn't of set in at all." "you may be right, let's just keep flying." we flew in silence until we were there, I'm sure Regina fell asleep at one point.

We arrive outside the house, it looked more old style mansion than house.

Regina walks up to the door with her broom following her. She opens the door to reveal a small room for cloaks and brooms. "stay in here while I try and find Willinfred." "why?" "because, my mother is here and she will want to meet you before anyone else." "how do you know?" "I can feel her energy." "not wierd." "it's a genetic thing, I can feel peoples engery and see what they're feeling by the aura around them."

"really?" "yeah, like I know that you're a little bit excited and nervous at the same time." "I didn't know that was a thing your family could do." "I've been able to do it my whole life, I thought I was wierd until my mother explained to me about abilities that can be passed down through families." "I wonder if my family have one?" "probably, anyway let me go and find my mother and her boyfriend."

I waited for a few minutes until I'm transferred into a living room.

"You must be Hecate." I see a short woman wearing a lot of purple and sunglasses sat in front of me. Regina was sat on the same sofa as me. "yes, you must be Regina's mother." "that I am." "sorry if its personal, but why are you wearing sunglasses." "because I'm blind dear, well almost blind. I could end up blind if I don't take of my eyes." "oh, I wasn't expecting that." She laughed slightly, I could see were Regina gets it from.

She suddenly turned annoyed as she looked at Regina. "dear, what have I told you about sitting like that? You will hurt you back." I look up to see Willinfred entering the room. I then look back at Regina to find her sat with her knees to her chest and slightly hunched over. "anyway Hecate."

Willinfred sat in the chair next to Regina's mother while she spoke.

"I can see why Regina picked you, with Will's description of you I thought you would be horrible. You're actually quite polite. You're quite attractive as well." She smirked as she said the last bit to which I blushed. "mother!" she laughed as she looked at her daughter. "am I not allowed to have fun?" "you're dating someone already! And, its my girlfriend you're flirting with! She is like twenty years younger than you!"

I smirk. "You know, you don't look so bad yourself." "Hecate!?" "what? It's a compliment!" She huffed as put her head in her lap. "my name is Samantha Wicked by the way." "a pretty name for a pretty lady." Samantha laughed slightly at that. "stop, you'll make me blush~" "make me~" "okay! I did not just travel for hours to watch my mother flirting with my girlfriend!" "fine well stop, my friends call me Sam." "or Sammy if you're brave." I look at Willinfred as he looked cautiously at his girlfriend.

"it was a pleasure meeting you, Sammy."

The French Teacher ( Hecate Hardbroom X OC) Where stories live. Discover now