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Regina's POV

We transferred down to the kitchen. "sit down here Regina, so Hecate can get to work. She hates being interrupted especially when she's working on something." Another thing we had in common. I sat across from Ada. She started reading while Hecate started cooking. I admired Hecate's concentration, she also looked so relaxed. I guess she was in her element, and stars did she look incredible while she was in it!

Some of her hair had fallen into her face while she was stood next to where i was sat. Ada had gone to her office as she had received a message saying she needed to mirror someone. I reached into my pocket and sure enough there was a hair pin in there, I always carried them with me. With magic I carefully gather her loose hair together. I stood up with the pin in my hand.

Once she had finished mixing some things in the bowl, I gently reached to the top of her head a placed the pin in her hair. She stopped everything and looked at me. "sorry, they just looked like they were in your way." I looked down. I then felt her thumb under my chin. "thank you." She kissed me on the cheek and carried on. I just sat at the table holding my cheek. It was quite sweet of her. I then transferred a book onto the table and started reading.

Hecate's POV

I probably shouldn't have done that but Regina didn't say anything so I didn't either. I watched her after placing the meat in the oven and gravy to cook, the other food had been previously cooked this afternoon and just needed to be heated up. I leant against the counter admiring every time she turned the page. She would giggle every time something funny happened. Her giggles were adorable.

I was so stuck admiring her that I almost didn't hear the timer go off. I quickly opened the door, pulled out the tray and placed it on the counter. I turn around and see Ada smirking, I think, at me. "can I help you?" "no, I was just wondering why you almost let the food burn." This peaked Regina's interest and she looked at me. "my hearings a bit off today" "uh-huh." Ada sat down but Regina continued to look at me. "yes, what is it?" She blushed before looking at the table. "don't worry about it." strange.

Anyway, I carried on plating the food. I passed Regina her plate and some cutlery while Ada focused on her own meal. When Ada and I sat down it appeared as though Regina hadn't touched her food and waited for us. "Regina, are you okay? " "yeah, it's just polite to not eat before everyone has their meal." Ada and I shrugged at each other. It seemed like a legitimate reason she would give.

The meal started in silence before Ada broke it half way through. "so, Regina." "yes?" "you're a part of the council?" "yes, correct." "you know the council members then?" "yes, you know all of this." "it's a question that you don't have to answer if you don't want to." "okay?" "which council member would you most want to date?" Regina spit out her water. "Are you alright?" "yeah, just wasn't expecting that." "okay, but I want know." "If I had to choose it would be Daisy Goldstein." I looked at her with surprise. A woman!

"ooh, good choice! I would probably choose Steve Oakwood or The Great Wizard himself, Willinfred Smith." "really? The great wizard?" "yeah, he's got a new girlfriend now. Hasn't he?" "I shouldn't help spread rumours about fellow council members, but yes he does." "why do you sound not so happy." "it's who his girlfriend is" "who is it?" "don't tell anyone I told you." "okay." "my mother." "no!" "yeah." I was tired of listening now. "That's lovely ladies, but Ada I would like to spend time with the guest I invited to stay." Ada smiled before transferring away.

What was she planning? 

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