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I'm sorry this so long, I got carried away.

Regina's POV

I just watched as Hecate gently placed her fingertips to her lips. "why did you do that?" "you literally kissed me earlier." "I wasn't thinking." "uh huh." "well... After what you said I wanted to see how you would react. I didn't think you would want to keep doing it." I giggled.

"What is with that?" "what?" "the giggling." "I can stop if you want me to." "no carry on, it's just... It's so high pitched. Doesn't it hurt." "no, and you really don't mind?" "it shows that you're happy." "hm..." She wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me against her side. "I like knowing that you're happy, so I don't mind the giggling." I just sat there blushing.

She kissed me on the forehead before pushing me down on the sofa.

"Hecate?" "yes?" "what are you doing?" "what does it look like?" I thought for a moment. "can we not?" "why?" "I don't want to talk about it." "how about I do this instead then?" "do what?" She started kissing my face all over. "Hecate!" "yes?" "that tickles!" "that the point, my dear."

She carried on.

"dear, aren't your arms starting to ache." "a little." "then sit up." "fine. But first..." She gave me a kiss then sat back up straight. "aren't you going to sit up straight?" I transferred so that my head was on her lap. "does this answer your question?" she just stared at me. "yes, I suppose it does."

She eventually untied my hair; my hair fell just passed my shoulders. She started running her hand through it and I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the quiet moment we were sharing. She started moving her hand lover down my body. "Hecate?" "sorry, I couldn't resist." "just don't do too much, and don't touch my stomach." "your stomach? Why?" "you don't want to know." "alright, no stomach."

She started moving down to my breasts and gently massaging them while the other looked for a way to get my top off. "it's a top and skirt not a dress, just lift it off over my head." "Okay." so she did. She threw the top over the other side of her and carried on with what she was doing. She went for my skirt but I stopped her hand. "stop moving so fast and carry on with the top bit." "fine."

She was moving to remove my bra when...

"Regina! I need your help!" I fell off the sofa and landed on my stomach. "ow..." the sound was coming from the bedroom. What the fuck Willinfred!?

I walk into the bedroom after putting my top back on.

"what?" "what's with the bad mood?" "I was in the middle of something exciting and then you interrupt." "sorry." "It's fine, I can carry on once we're done." "right yes, I have made your mother mad and she is trying to kill me." "stand next to her, grab her waist, kiss her and compliment her. It will instantly fluster her." "thank you, you and your girlfriend can have peace from me for a while then. Are you coming to the convention?" "yes, we will both be going." "great news, it's at the Grand Witching Hall and will be from 10am - 5pm." "do you mind if Hecate and I stay overnight at the council house on the Friday and Saturday then?" "as long as you're quiet and stay in your room, then no." "great, goodnight." "goodnight."

He left the mirror.

I went back to Hecate and she looked at me flustered. "Are you alright, dear?" "yes, I just want to apologise for my actions. I know you don't really like having... Sex, and completely ignored you." "no, you didn't, you listened to me when I said to only touch the top and not to touch my stomach. So, do you want to carry on?" She just blushed and nodded, I giggled at her flustered response.

I sat next to her and she wrapped her arms around me. "What are you doing?" She lifted me up, turned me around and placed me on her lap. "oh." "is this alright?" "yes, it's fine dear." "good~" Holy fuck, that voice! She pulled off my top and reached for my bra. She looked around suspiciously. "Are you alright?" "making sure we aren't going to be interrupted." "fair enough." She undid my bra, pulled it off and threw on the ground with my top.

She looked at my chest with hunger in her eyes. "now, I don't think that this is fair." "what do you mean?" "my upper half is completely bare and yours isn't." "oh, why don't I remedy that." She flicked her wrist and her dress fell to her waist revealing her bra, which to no one's surprise was black. I gently unhook it and it falls revealing her breasts. She looks away flustered. "something wrong, dear?" "no, it's just that no one's ever seen me like this." "let's make this special then."

I gently take hold of them and start slowly massaging. She starts making little noises. I lean forward and kiss her, she reciprocates immediately. I start moving faster, really getting into. When I hear another voice come from the bedroom.

"Regina? Are you there, dear?" "coming!" I looked at Hecate annoyed. "What?" "after I'm done with my mother can we just go to bed? I'm tired of being interrupted." "yes, of course."

I walk up to the mirror in the bedroom after getting dressed. Again.

"Hello mother." "did I interrupt something?" "why?" "you never call me mother." "yes, you did interrupt something. But don't worry, you're not the only one." "Okay? I just wanted to say thank you for giving Willinfred advice. I wonder what he would have done if you hadn't of told him." "great. Goodnight." "goodnight."

She also disappeared.

"Hecate, are you still there?" "coming." She walked into the bedroom wearing only a bra and underwear. "uh..." "flustered." "you could say that." "I can't be bothered to change; I hope you don't mind." "you know what, I think I'll follow your example. Seems like a good idea to be honest." She smirked as she got under the blanket and patted the spot next to her.

I climb in next to her and snuggle into her side. She wraps her arm around me and cuddles me gently while resting her chin on my head. "I am definitely telling Ada you cuddle." "you wouldn't dare." "try me." "you're too soft to be threatening." "thanks." "anytime." "Hecate?" "yes?" "you said no one had seen your bare chest. Are you a...?" She sighed deeply. "virgin? Yes, yes I am." "you've really never..." "no I have never had... Sex with anyone." "great to know." "why!?" "that makes me special." "you already are my dear, you already are."

We fell asleep in each other's arms. 

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