Chapter: 15 Your funny...

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Soul chain: 15

I never thought this day would come quick enough. Finally, today should be the last say Ryoga is around. Between him now thinking that me and Ruki are complete obsessed sex crazed people, everything has went smoothly, but Ruki spends more time making him over then time with me, and it's getting on my nerves.

"Dont you think this would look good on him?"

"Yeah, whatever."

Ruki puts down the outfit he was compiling for Ryoga and sat next to me on his bed.

"What wrong?"


"Your awful at lying Haruka."

"I just want this "training to be over..."

"Maybe we should make him a part of GazettE."


Ruki let's out a laugh and then says,

"im joking. He's not our style."

I let out a sigh of relief and lay my head on his shoulder.

"After today it should be over. I've humored him enough."


Later when we got to school I sat in a room with the rest of GazettE and Ryoga.

"So now there's only one other thing that could finish you off."

Ruki bobs his head towards us and then me and the rest of the guys out our heads together.

"So ruki wants us to pick out sluts for him" Kai says.

"Why am I here then?" I ask.

"Becuase your girl, you can give us helpful info." Aoi says

"Whatever you say."

She while the guys plunged into thought of ex lovers they may have had I waited to say who they would ask.

"What about the girl from 1-b?" Reita asks.

"She's too much of a slut for him." Uruha says.

"What about that foreign girl?" Kai asks.

"She's all mine, sorry." Aoi says defenceivly.

This asking of girls goes on for sometime. Almost to the point where ruki was gonna come over and ask what was going on.

"I got it! Miki!" Reita says.

"She's perfect." Aoi adds.

"What do you think, Haruka?" Kai asks.

"She seems to fit the discription."

"It's settled then!" Kai says.

Reita then stands and tell Ruki our choice of girl.

"Very good choice." Ruki says. He than grabs an almost asleep Ryoga and drags him down the hallway. I follow behind them. When Ruki finds the choppy dyed blond, he then leaves Ryoga with me and approaches the girl. He chats with her for a few seconds before she slaps him across the face. I gasped and then he walked back over here.

"Go wild." He says pushing Ryoga into her. Then he grabs my wrist and we walk back to the room where the rest of GazettE was.

"Why did she hit you?"

"Let's just say we used to fuck."

"Ah, my boyfriend is a manwhore."

"I've changed I tell you." He's says with puppy dogs eyes.

I can't help but giggle.

"I was joking." He puts his arm around my waist. And we continue walking. We aproached the room when we saw the newly metalic blue Mia blocking our way. I could feel Ruki's grip tighten on my hip.

"What do you want?"

Ruki states calmly.

"Relax you two I'm only here to deliver a message." He holds out a small note card and says,

"I was told to give it to her."

Ruki automatically steps in from of my and says,

"We don't want anything to do with you four. So why don't you and your sadistic leader go fuck yourselves." Mia was very calm, his facial expression never changed from where we first saw him. He throws the card at our feet and mutters,

"I did my job, he can't be mad at me." Then walks away.

I reach for the card when Ruki says,

"Your really gonna see what that creep wants?"

"Theres not harm in read a card ruki."

I pick it up and examine it.

"Better late then never,

I'm tired of these childish games,

althought I am but a child myeself,

No more hiding what I want,

This time my desires will be met.


What does he mean by desires met? I didn't like this at all.

"What did it say?"

"Just things like, you shouldn't have left me."

"Well forget about him, I won't let him bother you."

"Thanks Ru." With that I rip up the card and had no intention of telling Ruki what it really said. I wasn't too worried beucase there's not really much that he can so to me. At least I think so...

Few days pass and nothing has happend. No mejibray no nothing. Today ruki wasn't here becuase he and the rest were skipping today. I stayed behind becuase I have a test today. Of course Ruki thought that was a stupid reason to miss, but he didn't argue with me about it.

The bell rang signaling me to leave school. It was a long day of work and I was ready to crawl on my bed and sleep. I was about to the door when Tsuzuku was waiting by the steps. I froze as he flashed a menacing grin.

"Hello my darling, you look beautiful as ever." His split tongue runs across the line of his upper lip. He walls closer to me and shows he has something in his hand.

"I brought you a drink. " he places it in my hand and then brings the cup to my lips I take about on swing before I push his hand down. "Tsuzuku, I-" my eye lids suddenly get really heavy and my knees buckle. Before I black out I see the smirk spread across his face. Ruki... help me...

Next chapter: Bound

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