Chapter 13: Overall

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"What the fuck did I do, Trash?!" I hear. 
Peaking my head in I see Ruki with a puffy red cheek and Tsuzuku with a blackening eye.
"You put shit in her head to make her leave me!"
"Only because it's true! Trash like you doesn't deserve a beautiful girl like her!" 
"So that's it? You don't know a thing do you! That girl! Her name is Haruka, and she's the only girl I have ever truly loved! I used to mess around but I've changed she changed me!" 
"People can't change! Especially scum like you! The next easy girl that comes alo NG will be in your bed!"
"Take it back!" Ruki lunges at Tsuzuku and they begin fighting.  I ran in the room and tried to pull then apart. In doing so I got a fist to the stomach witch made me double over in pain. They both stop and look at me.
"Now look what you did! You hurt her!" Tsuzuku yells.
"It was your fucking hand asshole!" 
"Just stop it both of you!" 
So much for that. There. Oh stubborn as ever. They keep at each other's throats. 
"Ok both of you shut the fuck up and listen!"
They both finally stop and look at me. 
"It wasn't right that you had to say those things to get me to dislike ruki, but It also wasn't right that you had to be such a jerk. Well I guess that applies to both of you... my pint is that you need to quit it! Fighting is pointless." They don't say word until I add,
"You are both precious to me, but you both messed up." 
Tsuzuku and ruki both stand then help me to my feet. Tsuzuku then simply turns and leaves.  Not sure what he was thinking.  Once he leaves the room, Ruki highs me tightly and says, 
"I'm sorry Haruka... I'm sorry I was such a jerk. I should have ran after you, but I was too caught up in me..."
"It's ok Ruki I should have trusted you more." 
We both stood there for a second before he began caressing my cheek. I gave him a smile and then he pulled his hand back. 
"Let's just put it behind us."
He says. He then kisses my forehead and then we walk out of the room as well. 
There were still a few stragglers here and there. Some students in clubs and other stuff. On our way out, we saw two kids in a fight. Nothing really uncommon in this school, but one thing that both of us noticed is that the one doing the beating was Mao. Ruki left my side and I noticed he'd pulled Mao off the defence kid. While ruki was dealing with Mao I went to the kid's side. He looked like a 1st year, but a little more black and blue now. 
"Are you ok?" I ask. 
The kid puts his glasses back on and looks at me. He flashes a toothy smile and nods. After Mao is gone ruki walks over to us. 
"Let's go Haruka." I stand up and the kid says, 
"T-thanks for saving me sir." We look and he's bowing on the ground. Ruki looks at him and then says, 
"I had a bone to pick with that guy anyway. Not like I really wanted to save you."
Geez, someone is not in a good mood. 
I figured that would make him leave, but the kid had a look on his face. Almost of admiration. He stands and then speaks again,
"I'm Ryoga!" 
I glanced at Ruki who looked pretty pissed off. Something tells me he doesn't like where this is going. 
"No one asked." He says. 
He grabs my wrist and starts pulling me away, but he keeps following us. We are about to the door before Ruki snaped. 
"Ok kid, look. Quit following me and my girl, or I'll be the one giving you the bruises." He doesn't like slightly threten. Doesn't he know who ruki is?
"Please be my Senpai!" He says going to his knees and bowing again.
"When hell freezes over."
"Your the idol of this school Matsumoto Takanori! Please allow me to follow in your foot steps."
I'm pretty sure Ruki wanted to pound him in, because his was cutting of the circulation of my wrist.
"Get the hell out of my sight. I don't have time to waste on weaklings like you." he pulls me along but then he stops us at the door. 
"I don't think you understand..." He pulls out a photo and I'm sure I wanted to kill him as much as ruki did now. It was a photo of me and Ruki kissing,  and if this is posted on public, I'd have a mob of girls on me. This guy... he's...
"Where the fuck did you get that?!"
"Let me ask again, teach me or the whole school see it." 
Great, wonderful, We're stuck with this kid till he's as cool as ruki... he's gonna be stuck with us forever...

Next chapter: Ryoga the Pain

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