Chapter: 12 No Such Things as Heros

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The light peaked though curtain even though I had been waiting for it for hours. I heard the door open and close several times. Probably the girls from last night leaving. It wasn't til later that the door finally opened. It was tsuzuku with his normal smirk. I got up and ran to him. I don't know why but I hugged him. He stroked my head like Ruki used to. 
"There there darling..." He puts his arm around me and then takes me down stairs. The other 3 are sitting on the sofas and none pay attention to me except meto who just glances at me then back down to the floor. We don't stop in the room I'm taken to a different room that looks much like a master bed room. He motions me to sit on his bed and I do. He grabs my chin and smiles. 
"Honey, it's ok." He then paces and comes down and sits next to me. 
"Will you be ok?"
I nod my head and then he pats my head. 
"That's my girl." 
He gives me a smirk holds his hand towards the door as if saying, "you can go." So I stand slowly and walk to the door. I leave the apartment and beginning heading for that familiar bridge. 
"Ruka-chan?" I hear.
There's only one person who calls me Ruka! Chan. And he's the one person I want to see least right now.
Ruki is behind me. No mistaking his voice. I pretend to not hear him and continue walking on. 
"Haruka!" This time he runs up to me and says out of breath.
"Hey! Where were you last night?" 
"The question is where were you last night?" I snap.
His expression went from curious to irritated.  
"What with the tone?"
"You didn't answer my question." I say emotionless.
He pauses a second and then says, 
"Why do you want to know?" 
"I don't get why I was being to cross with him, but he's being secretive witch is only making my suspicions grow. 
"Fine ruki, you can play your little love games. Just leave me out of them." I say walking away.
"Wait!" He says grabbing me. He stares me down and it about made me break, but not yet. I wasn't gonna give into him yet.
"What the hell is up with you? This isn't like you. Yesterday you were fine!" I yank my arm so hard out of his grasp it shocks him. He slightly gasps and then recoils his hand. 
"Tell me where you were last night!" 
"What the hell is it too you!"
Sometimes I forget how stubborn we both are. He was getting frustrated with me but, I was about to loose it.
"Forget it! Fuck you! I knew it was just too good to be true! I was stupid for ever liking you!" I start running. I figured he would come after me, but... He didn't. Didn't move from the spot he was in. So I kept running. It wasn't til I saw my house in the distance that I finally stopped. I slowly walked in my house out of breath and plopped myself on my bed. Mom must have been at work beucase no one was there. So again, I lay crying. Crying by myself about a man that was never mind to being with...

The next day, I forced myself to go to school good thing ruki wasn't there or I couldn't have done it. It wasn't til about half way thought the day I saw a familiar face. It was tsuzuku.
"There you are my lovley." He says putting his arm around me. I sink into his should and must have thought I was going to fall because he scoops me up in his arms and carries me to there room he hands me off to meto who in turn sits me on a sofa. He takes a seat next to me and just blinks his make up covered eyes at me. 
"I'm sorry, truly darling. Some men are just disgusting." I'd never do something like that to you. Your a perfect angel and he's the fucking devil." I sat in silence. I wasn't about to fall for him, but some comfort was helping. Maybe...
"Sweetheart, dry those tears."
I was crying? I didn't even notice.
Meto touched my hand as if asking If I was ok. I felt dead to the world though. I couldn't Move. Anything. I let myself get too attached, now I feel like he took all of me with him. 
I was ready to go home and leave the school. I left the mejibray room sometime ago but I remember I left my bag in there. I head back there and I'm about to open there door and hear something crash into it. It scared me and I slowly open the door to a sight I never thought I'd see...
"Your going to hell now!"

Next chapter: Overall 

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