Distance [Forward]

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Soul chain: distance

My black bangs fall in my face as I scribble down the face of a person I was drawing. I glance up and the clock reading 8:12. The bell rang and then I went back to my drawing. That was until my desk made a creek and I looked up and saw Satoshi sitting on my desk. 

"What's up?" He says smiling down at me. 

"Morning." I say making eye contact with him. 



My usual routine. Satoshi says hi to me in the morning and I go on with my lonely day until school is over, then I head home. And so it starts. 

People in this school confuse me. All they care about is boyfriends status and sex. What the hell is wrong with people?

My homeroom class goes by and then I head to my first hour class. Boys snicker as they talk to each other while the lecture is said, and girls giggle about the boys. I hate it. Maybe I'm just abnormal. I don't find myself cute at all, or even worth looking at. My long black hair always two braids and my bangs slid to the side. I'm not a girl that one of the bad boys of the school would chase. My boobs aren't big, my butt isn't either. I don't have pretty brown eyes or a beautiful smile. I feel so ugly. I don't even try. No boys here like me and I don't like any of them... Except one... Satoshi is a very handsome young man. He could have any girl he wants. I love him so much. I've had a crush on him forever. He's been my friend since primary school. He was my brothers best friend, well... Until my brother was killed. He was a few years younger then me. 12 is how old he would have been. He died because he was struck by a car and it killed him over the course of a coma. Once he was dead, Satoshi promised he'd be there for me. Always... But he's so much more popular now. So many girls like him. Besides, were just friends and thats all he will ever wanna be...

The bell rings. I hope we don't have any homework because I'm not paying attention today. I walk in the hallway. Some guy bumps into me and knocks me down. He just keep walking. I pick up my things and then am about to pick up my pencil when I see Satoshi's hand. 

"Loose something?" He says grabbing it and handing it to me. 


"Want me to walk you to class?" 

"Sure." I say giving him a subtle smile.

So we begin walking and he takes me to my next class. 

"I'll talk to you later." 

"Ok." I say as he leaves.  I take my seat by a blonde boy and chew on the end if my pencil. For my family matters anyway, I have a mom. Never knew my dad. My brothers death completely destroyed my mom. She's never been the same since. I wish I came from a normal family... 

So I sat in class. The boy next to me was smirking at a girl who was slightly licking her lips and wearing a tight shirt. I think he's one of the most popular boys in school. But how would I know. I mostly try to avoid people like him... 

"Yukario-San, please translate the following sentence to English." My Sensei says to me. So I stand and do so. Then I sit back down and go back to my book. I felt a pair of eyes watching me. It's the blonde boy. He just stares at me with his bright blue eyes. I broke his gaze and then the bell rang. I got up out of my seat and headed for the door. Then the girl the blonde boy was looking at runs into me and nearly knocks me down. I steady myself and then see her walk off with the blonde boy. I didn't even do anything to you or your precious... I'll never understand the way people are...

~Takanori's  POV~

I walked off with Satsuki and then she's mumbles, 

"Who does that bitch think she is?" 

I smirk at her and say, "Come in why don't we skip and head to Akira's?" 

"Sounds great to me." She says smiling. Why would I ever wanna go back to my place? No know wants me there and I don't wanna be there. There is no place for me. If my parents can't handle the way I wanna live then they don't have to be a part of that. 

"Akira! Let's get out of here." I say with Satsuki on my arm. 

"Sure, I was about to tell you the same thing." 

So with both our girls and the rest of my gang following, we prepare to leave. 

"What happened to Konako?" Kyoyou asks Yuu. 

"Her friend is "better" if you know what I mean." Yuu answers. 

"Not even a week Yuu, there's gotta be a record." Uke, says. We get back to Reita's and I light up a cigarette and take a long drag. The smoke floats into the air and then Satsuki motions for it, so I give it and she takes a drag as well. The other guys were already movie along with the girls but me. Satsuki puts out my light and then says, 

"Is there something you want from me. She presses her lips together and then takes my hand and puts it under her skirt. I freeze for a second then push her back and begin to kiss her. Who the hell was I thinking about? Was I thinking about someone? Satsuki moans and says, 

"Take me all the way." 

Satsuki is my girlfriend I guess. She was fun to screw and she's been hanging around me ever since. The only reason I keep her around is because she makes me forget everything else...

So we lay there, me and Satsuki. She lays on my chest and sighs. I think to myself that I'm about ready for a new girl. Maybe I can find one who won't be so fucking clingy. I sit up and grab my clothes. 

"Where are you going?" She asks. 

"Bathroom." I grumble. 

Once I'm inside I get my clothes back on and situate my hair. I breath in and out then head back out. 

"You better leave soon since, Akira's parents will be home soon." I hop out the window and and don't wait for her to say something. I put my hands in my poker and head back for my house. That's about the only thing it's good for, sleeping. I sneak in the door and up to my room. I slip off my clothes to my boxers and slip into bed. Why did I feel so different today? Tomorrow I'm finding a new girl. I'm done with Satsuki, she's used up. I'm not getting serious with anyone... No one is getting in...

Next chapter: My Twister Dark Youth

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