Chapter: 16 Bound

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Soul Chain 16

I awoke in a dark place. I wasn't even sure I was awake it was so dark. What happened anyway? Oh... right. I saw Tsuzuku and he slipped me something. He just doesn't know when to quit does his. I made an attempt to get to my feet, only to be pulled back down by the chain attached to my legs arms and neck. The more I saw in this dark place, the more I wondered what Tsuzuku was actually capable of. The room was pretty much empty. Cars raced above which told me I was in a basement of some sort. Why did Ruki have to choose this day to be gone and on a friday of course. I could be days before he finds out that something's wrong.

I heard a door creep open. My head snapped around to lock on to the metallic blue haired man walking in.

"M-Mia." I manage to say. My voice was shaky. When did I get this scared?

He examines my hands and then my legs then he finally looks at my neck. He had no words to say, just Looking to make sure the chains weren't too tight. The man turns to walk away.

"Mia!" I call out. He looks back to me, cocks his head to one side then says quietly,

"Look, just try not to say no, Ok? It will be a lot less painful if you just do what he says..." Then he leaves without another word. Just do as he says? What is he even planning to do?

Several minutes went by before someone else came back in the room. This time it was my kidnapper, Tsuzuku.

"Hello my sweet." He says. I didn't speak.

"I said hello!" He says pulling me up by my hair. I groan in pain and then mumble,

"H-hello..." He lets go of my hair and my head sinks back down. He then knees down to my level looking me in the eyes.

"Haruka, you know why your here don't you?"

"No." I answer. He paces around for a few seconds before he stops then looks again me.


"You wanted me instead of Ruki having me."

"Close. Ruki has you and he's not worthy of a gem like you. He doesn't deserve you. So, I've taken into my own hands to save you."

"By holding me prisoner here?!?" I yell.

"I'm protecting you from him!"

"Your not protecting anything!" In one swift movement he slaps his hand across my face.

"As long as your here, you will respect me or be punished." My eyes water and I slowly bring my head back and watch him as he turns his back and leaves.

Minutes turned into hours. Was I seriously going to live the rest of my life shackled in a basement? Has Taka even noticed me being missing yet? Is he looking? Or will he even find me... The door open and Mia walks back in with some food. He sets it in front of me and undoes the shackled around my neck holding me back. So I sat there eating while Mia waited for me to finish. Not a word came from him. He seemed to have something to say, but couldn't say it. Once I finished eating Mia picked up the plate and took it out of the room, re-attached my shackles, and disappeared without a single notion or word. I was still probing my mind of every possible reason he would want to trap me down here like this. No doubt it's illegal, but who would look for a more or less transparent girl in school? No one. That's just it! No one would care... Expect Taka, but he could never find me on his own. He hasn't even the slightest clue where Tsuzuku lives and even if he did he would never find this basement. I'm forever stuck at the mercy of Tsuzuku and his pets.


It had become routine. Every morning I would be brought a meal by Mia and he wouldn't speak a word. Then I would literally sit until the sun went down and Mia brought me my evening meal in silence again. My shackles took away most of my mobility. I couldn't even stand. The one around my neck was attached low to the wall keeping my no higher then a kneel. I couldn't get any farther then  a meter from the wall with all shackles stopping me, so even moving around the spacious basement was impossible. When night did come I couldn't even sleep. Usually there was screaming from the floors above. Arguing constantly filled the rooms over me, however I could never make out any of the conversations. Tsuzuku always made a point to see me once a day, if not more. While I was fully expecting to be forced into doing whatever he wanted me to, nothing even went past an occasional kiss on the cheek. They all still all went to school during the day to avoid suspicion of course. Even though there was only one person who cared that I was missing.

A week went by, nothing out of the ordinary, or rather what had become ordinary. I was in my usual position lying on the floor when the door opened and Mia came in during the middle of the day. This was odd. Holding a key in one hand, he detaches the shackles from my wrists and legs and one from the wall leaving one around my neck. He gives it a tug making my stand. I haven't walked in about a week so it was a shaky process. He took me up the stairs slowly. Where was he taking me now? I though for a brief second about trying to overpower him and make a run for it, but there was no way. Even with my normal strength I couldn't get away from him.

He lead me though a normal looking apartment; he then opened the door to a room and pulled me inside throwing the chain on the ground inside.

"Mia! W-what?!" Was all I could say before he closed the door and locks it behind him. I could never tell if he pitied me or if he was just as twisted. I turn around to see i'm in some sort of bedroom. I felt a harsh tug on my neck as Tsuzuku appeared and pulled the chain over to the bed. He motioned for me to sit and so I did. I didn't really care what he did to me at this point; not like there was anything I could do to resist him or get away. I would just get hurt. If I want to get out of this alive, my only choice is to humor him. I sat there emotionless as he drops the chain. From under the bed he pulls out a suitcase and reaches insides pulling out a t-shirt. He kicks the suitcase back under the bed and then motions for me to move my arms. My clothes that I was currently wearing were in taters and filthy. I move my arms as he pulls open the buttons on the shirt of my ruined school uniform, then pulling of my skirt as I stood. I was pretty much naked in front of him except for my underwear. I still stood there emotionless. I waited for him to remove the rest of my clothing, but he just threw the shirt over my head and finished putting it on me. He must of have seen the shock on my face because he burst into a fit of laughter.

"Don't flatter yourself darkling, there's a time and a place for everything." I felt so stupid. It's not like I wanted that to happen, I just accepted that it was going to.

"In fact..." He reaches into larger drawer in the near by nightstand and reveals whip that would be used on an animal like a horse. I one swift movement, he smacks it across my face literally knocking my down on the bed. My eyes watered as the pain filled my face. I gasped in uneven breaths as he speaks,

"Don't ever assume. The animal never orders the master." The next thing he pulls out is a rope and he quickly ties it around my wrists and the pulls my arms above my head. He smirked and then touched the welt forming on my face.

"Back to your cage you go, and no dinner for you tonight." He drags me back down to the basement and throws me down. I don't make any attempt to move. Someone grabs my wrists and cuts the rope. Then I'm dragged back over to my spot on the wall where I'm chained back up. I lift my head up and see Mia looking down at me.

"You won't die, I promise." He says quietly. I wasn't so sure anymore...

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