Chapter: 17 Filthy Pleasures

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I was at the point where I lost track of how many days I had been stuck in my private hell. It had been at least 2 weeks if not more. It surprises me that Taka hasn't caught on yet that it's Mejibray who has taken me. Maybe he just can't get here. Who knows... I also getting to the point where I'm wondering if I can make use of the shackles and end it all. Too bad They aren't long enough.
"You won't die..." Mia said. Death would be doing me a favor instead of living like this...
It was about Midnight this time when Mia came and detached my shackles again. Which means I'm going to meet my captor. I couldn't stand. Not because I didn't want to, but because I literally had no will to make myself stand. Mia tugged on my leash until he got the message. He carried my bridal style in his arms until the door. Before he pushes it open he whispers to me,
"I'm really sorry Haruka, I hate to see you suffer." If you hate to see me suffer then why are you helping him? what a load of shit.
He pushes open the door with his foot and then sets me on the ground before leaving and locking the door behind him. My vision blurred until something made contact with my face. It was a boot. My eyes watered and I felt the tug of the leash around my neck. I couldn't stand. he could kick me all he wants and I still wouldn't be able to stand and that's precisely what happens. I'm kicked repeatedly in the face until he finally sees that I can't get up. He drags me by my leash over to the bed and then picks me up and throws me on it. Once again, my hands are bound by rope, but not before he removes the over sized shirt from our last meeting.
"Shit, now your blood is going to get all over my bed." He says.
This time my bound hands are tied to the headboard. With 3 cuts of some scissors, there were no secrets between him and me anymore. I lie there completely exposed and unchanged. My will to rage against him was gone. All I could do now is wait and see what he would do to me next. Tszuzku removed his shirt exposing his piercings and his tattoos. He began with a lick of his index finger and traced it just below my breasts. His tongue then slid into the contours of my collar bone only stopping occasionally to suck on the thin tender skin. Without any warning he bit down hard on the skin causing me to release a yelp of pain. This made him smirk.
"Your screams pleases me. Too bad your "boyfriend" isn't here to hear them." He's right, he isn't. No one is here to hear me scream, and none is going to be either.
He lets out a chuckle and then invites himself inside my mouth. His tongue roaming my throat and my own tongue. Even in the presence of these monsters I still feel so alone, like there's a gaping hole in my heart because I know I don't belong. He pulls out his tongue and then smirks again.
"Why don't you feel anything? Not even a grimace of disgust?" He says to me. My head rolls from one side to the other. He pulls me up by my hair and then spits in my face.
"You filthy fucking bitch, no wonder Ruki hasn't been looking for you. He's right... Taka hasn't been looking for me... He hasn't come to rescue me...
He then placed himself on my hips and began putting on jewelry. He admired his rings as he slipped one on each finger. Then he holds them up to the light as if to get a better view.
"They're beautiful aren't they?" I glance up at him for a second before his fist full of rings comes in contact with my face. Repeatedly he punched me and the metal digs deeper and keeping into my face. After so long of being quiet, I finally let out a scream, but this just makes him even more mad.
"Now you scream?! You fucking bitch! Scream now then! No one is here to save you!!" He continues to hit me and I continue to scream. I knew as well as anyone that no one was coming for me, but I'd been quiet and contempt way too long. It was awhile before he finally did get bored and stop. He then pulled each ring off one at a time and begins to wipe the blood off of them. I, on the other hand, was still coughing up blood. After he cleans the blood from his rings, he pushes me off his bed and yells.
"Mia! Take this trash back down stairs!" Mia then comes in and is shocked when he sees me. He once again scoops me up in his arms and takes me back down stairs. I was waiting for him to put the shackles back on me, but he didn't this time. He grabs a blanket and wraps it around me.
"It's ok Haruka, I'm gonna get you out of here ok?" My eyes instantly opened. Did I hear what he just said correctly? Is he really going to get me out of here?
For a final time he scooped me back up in his arms. He then carefully and quietly carried me outside of the apartment. I had no idea where we were, looking outside. This definitely wasn't anywhere close to my home. Mia began walking in one direction. It was a few minutes before he stopped and mumbled something.
"How the hell did he get this close?" I pulled my head up and saw that Mia was looking at something. That's when I heard the sound.
"Haruka! Haruka?!" Someone from a distance was calling out my name. Mia began walking again, but this time it was at a faster pace.
"W-what is it?" I manage to get out.
"It's Ruki, he actually made it this far." My head shot up. He really did come? He was looking for me? I felt the tears building up from behind my eyes.
"Call out to him Haruka, so he will come this way."
"T-Taka!" I scream out. I couldn't see him, but Mia slowed his walk because he knew that Ruki was coming.
"Haruka! Thank fucking god your alive!" I'm then passed from Mia's arms to Taka's. I looked up and saw Taka. His face was a mess i'm not gonna lie. He had been crying alot, I'm sure this hasn't been easy on him either. I move my head so I can see Mia one last time and say to him,
"T-Thanks M-Mia." He simply nods to the both of us and begins to walk back to there apartment.
"I'm calling the fucking cops."
"Um because they kidnapped you and tortured you! You expect me to just let them roam free?"
"C-Can we not worry about t-this right now? I just wanna..." I was too exhausted to finish my sentence. Taka must have finally got the message, because he then sighed and cocked his head to one side.
"Well were going to have to wait a minute for Aoi to get here because I don't think you realize just how far away we are."
"H-how f..." I try to say. About 30 minutes by car." Wow we were far away, no wonder he couldn't find me.
"Well it's all over now, your never leaving my sight again." It felt light it was raining, but when I looked up it was his tears falling down on to me. I feel bad for thinking that he wasn't looking for me. This was really hard for him too.
"I-I'm sorry Taka."
"Why in the hell are you apolgizing? I'm just happy you back and ok." His sweet smile was shown though his tears and I flashed a bit of a smile too. Shortly, a car pulled up and Uruha and aoi were shown in the car.
"Shit you did find her." Aoi says.
"Hurry and get in. We'll take you guys back." Uruha adds.
Taka placed me in the car and then he got in himself. I rested my head on his lap. This horrid nightmare is finally over...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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