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『kitten sneezes』

as everyone sat comfortably in their sits with smiles on their faces, prem has a scowl on his while he sat between the window and the senior. earlier, before he could even take pharm's hand so they could sit together, pharm was pulled by dean and sat in the right side of the bus while manaow sat with her girl friends. he was pulled by the older in the back corner of the bus far from her friends so he couldn't ask for help from the both of them.

about an hour later of prem trying his best to ignore the stare he's getting from the older, he got hungry and a smile started to creep its way on his face that made the older raise an amused brow and a smile on his face as well.

prem took out his bag to reveal his last pack of lays he'd been saving. his mouth watered when he smelled the scent of lays after opening it, he took one out and to his awaiting mouth. he moaned in satifaction as he hears it crumble in his mouth and after chewing the delicous food, the boy licked his lip tasting the flavor on his lower lip.

boun couldn't help but lick his own lip as well while he stare at prem, whose now had a chip between his lip as if savoring it's salty flavor but before he could finally chew it, he saw boun inch closer to his face, too shocked to even move away, boun took it as a chance to steal the piece of lays between prem's mouth and for a moment their lips faintly brushed against each other, then boun just licked his lips in satisfaction and smirked at the still dumbstruck prem.

"you ok?" he asked as if he didn't just almost kiss the poor blushing boy.

prem was too embarassed to even speak so he just huffed his cheeks and pouted averting his eyes from boun. 'bastard...'

a little while later sleepines took over prem, his head rested on the window but it kept bumping on it every time the bus would cross a hump on the road. boun shook his head with a small smile on his face, he took prem's head and put it on his shoulder while his arm rested on prem's.

small snores escaped on prem's slightly parted plum lips, and boun had to fight the urge to kiss those lips. he just sighed and rested his head on prem's soft and fluffy hair and nuzzles on it, inhaling the strawberry scented shampoo prem used, it made boun smile and let sleep took over him.

boun's dream was interrupted when he heard a sneeze beside him, making him lit his eyes open and glance at prem, who again sneezes. prem groaned and leaned his head back unknowingly on boun's shoulder "you sneeze like a kitten." boun said, his voice a little groggy from sleep.

prem quickly sat up and stared in horror at boun whose still sitting there with a smirk on his face. "w-what was that?!" prem said in panic as rose hue appeared on his chubby cheeks and a pout to his lips. "i said you sneeze like a kitten, strawberry." boun repeated as his heart swelled with pride knowing he painted that beautiful color on that boy's cheek.

prem took boun's arm and push it off of him fallowed by a scoff to the older, "b-back off, bastard." prem said trying his best to keep his blush away and pull out a brave mask infront of boun who just raised an amused brow at him.

the bus that was once silent because the students where sleeping now erupted with a series of shouts of joy and laughs when the coach and the teacher announced that they arrived.

"okay, everybody calm down. unfortunately we have only reserve four suites and it will be too crowded for thirty-two people, so we decided that the other two will have to use one bedroom. i hope that'a alright with you, so who is willing to occupy the room?" their teacher said.

every student and the club members went quiet, some are averting their eyes, some hiding behind someone's back or pretending to do something. the silence was broken when one person walked out of the crown with his hand raised, "me-" said boun with a triumphant smile "-im willing to occupy the other room." he said which made ms. janah smile in delight, "very good, now who is the next volunteer?" she said as she looks around the students but one caught her eyes, a boy who is leaning against a tree with eyes closed and bags circling it, "ah prem! you could join mr. guntachai here, now that that's settled i can now arrange your rooms and your roommate." mrs. janah said.

prem didn't have time to complain as to why him and the senior are sharing a room because he was just really tired from the long ride. his back was aching and he will probably have a stiff neck in the morning. just after that the boy yawned as he rub the back of his hand on his closed eyes. "come on sleepy head, this way to our room." said the older as he guided the boy towards their cabin, didn't fight back when boun put his arms around his shoulder as they walked.


authour's note |

ya'll remember when i said that i make sure that "i make sure that i edit every chapter-" bullshit? i lied :)


ya'll i was too busy doin shit.

anyway, if you wonder i take some time to update..well that's because while im not online im already writing some chapters here in my draft waiting to be published so i could do some double update or triple or wutevah~

funfact: sarah was suppose to be the antagonist in this story but i decided not to because i remembered that manaow is still single as calum ( for those who are not five sos fans this pun means like calum is the only member of 5 sos that's single the others are likely engaged or has a gf so :p yeah calum is single as fuck and ready to mingle fuck) here so i thought 'why not make this two gals a cute af couple?'

word count: 1,053

strawberries and cigarettes → bounpremWhere stories live. Discover now