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『night shift』

prem sighs for nth time as he stares at the clock. he cursed manaow for ditching her job and left him to do the tuesday night shift. he was supposed to be on day-off because he works only on mondays, wednesdays and fridays and the rest of the week is for manaow. it was dark and raining outside the store and he wonders if the rain is ever gonna stop. 'oh fuck.. i forgot to bring an umbrella' he pinched the bridge of his nose as he irritatedly closed his eyes mumbling curses to himself.

he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door of the store open signaling a customer just entered. his eyes widened when he saw a blond man with his hair tied like a samurai bun with three piercing on each ear and his eyes didn't missed the tattoo on his left arm. he shooked his head and thought to himself 'he looks so badass!'

the man walked around through the beverage area and towards the cigaretes. when he was done he walked straight to the cashier. it took all of prem's courage to smile...nervously and say "h-hello! g-g-good ev-v- ening s-sir!" he cursed himself for stuttering and embarassing himself infront of the man.

but to his suprise the man just raised an eyebrow and put two strawberry flavored juice box and a pack of cigarettes infront of him.

after putting the things in a plastic bag, prem smiled nervously again at the man and said "h-have a g-good night s-sir" but his eyes widens when the man smirked and shooked his head, with a husky and deep melodic voice the man said "you're cute" with that he left the store, leaving an awestruck and a blushing mess prem alone.

he hid his face with both his hand then started to slap his chubby cheeks. "oh my ghad i need to wake up! maybe im just tired...yeah tired..." he snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed a pink juice box in the left side of the table. it was one of the juice box the man had bought, with a shocked face he took the juice box and a small smile started to creep in to his face.


"yummy!! pharm you are the best! thank you so much for making me breakfast, im so tired of always eating cereal in the morning" prem said while stuffing his mouth with food that his friend made for him. they were quietly waiting for their friend manaow to arrive at the cafeteria.

"then why don't you learn how to cook? it would be really helpful you know... since you live alone and i don't have to always cook you food, you know im busy right?" pharm said with a distressed face as he stare at the still unbothered prem.

suddenly they were interupted by the scream of girl who was running towards them. "guys!-" manaow said as she was trying to catch her breath while clutching her chest tightly.

and because pharm was such an angel he gave manaow some water. she practically inhaled the whole water, after quenching her thirst she gave the two a sly smirk and giggled. "so guys... did you hear that the famous senior who was suspended for a week just came back?!" manaow shouted as she was fangirling over the said boy.

"why was he suspended?" prem asked as he took a sip of the strawberry juice box from last night. "hmm...they said he was suspended because he was caught in a fight...but im not sure though. but yeah he's like your typical bad boy!" she shrugged her shoulder and while giggling she took her phone from her bag and showed a picture of the said senior from the cute boy page on facebook.

"this is him! look he's so handsome!" she said as she fans herself with her hands while laughing. as per prem, choked on the strawberry juice while coughing. he stared at the picture with wide eyes that he felt like it was gonna burst out of his eye socket. pharm immedietly patted prem's back while handing him a cup of water "are you ok? what happened? do you know him?" pharm said with worry evident on his voice.

'i swear to god this boy is such an angel i can't-'

prem thought to himself and his face looked like he just seen a ghost "y-yeah i just saw him last night at the place me and manaow worked" he said then stared at the almost half empty strawberry juice box.

again their conversation was interupted by the screams of girls including manaow of course in the cafeteria. "guys that's him!! oh my god!! he's so hot, i can't breathe!" pharm and prem shared a questioning look then turned around and that was the moment prem has officially lost his shit.

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