twenty three

412 27 1

『some energy』

soon the two arrived at the resturant by the beach, they were greeted by manoaw wearing her one piece bikini with see through flowery robe while holding a glass of what seemed to be a juice.

"suprise! come on, let's go swimming!" her voice filled with joy and prem winced because she was just so loud this early in the morning.

beside her is a smiling pharm in his bikini shorts and loose shirt that looked like it belonged to dean. "but i thought we were gonna have breakfast?" he questioned as boun nonchalantly wrapped his arms around prem's shoulder. "right, and that's what we're gonna do. come on, strawberry let's get you some food."

prem's face lit up at what the older had said, but manaow's face saddened. "party pooper!" she screed at boun and eyed him suspicously which boun just replied with a smug smirk and the ravenette beside him was just oblivious to his surrounding.

they sat in their table with the company of manaow sitting on the head of the table while boun and prem were sitting next to each other, dean and pharm in their front looking as happy as a cute couple should. manaow was still scowling at boun who just shrugged it off and kept bringing some of his food to prem's plate, the latter seemed to be enjoying and kept inhaling the food.

"you guys are so unfair!" manaow pouted and crossed her arms, she just finished eating her food. she felt like this two couples, yes couples because she noticed prem slightly limping while walking towards them earlier and boun had to hold him so he wouldn't trip or fall, 'they obviously did something last night!' anyways, these couples kept slapping the truth in her face that she is single.

suddenly, an idea popped in her head which gave a smirk to her face. 'i'm not just gonna sulk during this whole trip! i'm gonna make sure you two will suffer too!' and yes she also knew that something happened to pharm and dean too cause she saw a red mark peaked from pharm's collar.

while she was thinking that, boun and dean gave a knowing look to each other. boun had a smirk in his face while dean still had his strict face though the corner of his lips were tugged up, the senior knew something happened to dean and his nong too so he knowingly wiggled his eyebrows at dean and turned his eyes to pharm then back at dean.

"shut up asshole." dean said, not even glancing at boun, the latter just replied with chuckle at him.

the two continued eating, while prem leaned a little closer to pharm to whisper so the two beside them won't hear, "are you okay? you guys did it, right? you're probably tired. here, take my food you need some energy!"

pharm's face flushed red at what prem had said, but also confused as to why prem gave him his boiled egg. "you need energy! so eat up." the ravenette just said as he put the egg on pharm's plate. pharm's eyes widen and nodded as he cut the egg in half and gave it to prem.

"you need energy too!"

"oh, right! i need some too. my body hurts"


"well because p'boun's just tired me out last night..." prem said without thinking as kept putting food in his mouth, then his eyes widens and his mind malfunctioned, his body paused in realization as to what he just said. the spoon still in his mouth.


"why what?! uhh...i mean nothing!" prem couldn't even think for a proper sentence as his face grew a shade darker than red.

"i meant you need energy to swim later! but...did you and...p'boun...di-" prem didn't even let pharm finish his sentene because she shoved a spoonful of food in his mouth which startled the two seniors beside them who was well...pretending to "not hear" what the two nongs beside them were talking about.

boun turned his head to prem and rested his arms on the head of prem's seat, "hey, you okay? you're face is red." he said though he knew why the face of his strawberry was like that, he liked teasing the younger.

"ahh...n-nothing! ju-just get off bastard." prem huffed and continued eating even though he really just wanted to dig a hole and bury himself alive.

boun shook his head and a chuckle escaped his lips, he leaned his head towards prem's ear and whispered; "if you don't stop acting so fucking adorable, baby. i just might fuck you on every flat surface." that brought a chill down prem's spine, his mind went haywire and felt like all his brain cells just flew out the widow.

the audacity!

boun just sipped his coffee and acted like nothing happened, like he didn't just whispered something so...sexual to the poor flushed-face boy.

'fucking asshole...i hate you!' and so prem just cursed boun in his head because his mouth just wouldn't speak the words he wants to say and because his head is just unreliable.

the awkward tension was broken by manaow who cleared her throat as her eyes scanned the two couple, her eyes dancing with mischief.

"who wants to go swimming?"


author's note |

ya'll i was litteraly laughing my fucking ass off while writing this chapter. ahahaha!

i was wHeEezziNgg

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