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『something more』

the ray of light from the sun peaked through the curtains. two figures lay on a bed and cuddled in the sheets, but only prem was sleeping. the older's shoulders as prem's pillow as boun's long slender fingers gently run through the latter's soft ebony hair who is slightly snoring, and prem's hand tightly holding onto the older.

the latter didn't mind, though his control was wearing thin with every moment with the younger, he still tried to hold onto that little piece of patience he had. his mind wonders from last night, how prem was squirming and sweating like he was suffering a terrible nightmare, while his heart warmed on how the boy depended on him and even hold onto him, a part of the latter still felt uneasy because it was so unlike prem to be like last night. it made him worry and he so badly wanted to ask the boy but he wasn't sure if the younger was even ready to tell him yet.

'...better ask him when he's ready.'


moments later prem woke up by the ray of light that dance infront of him as the smell of shampoo and a scented body wash hit his nose. his eyes fluttered open and the sight of a fully cloth boun with a bit of wet hair greeted him, 'he must've showered early..speaking of shower..i haven't even showered yet since last night!'

he thought as he quickly stood up from the bed suprising boun, "oh, good morning, strawberry. go take a shower and i'll wait for you here, we need to go get some breakfast with the others." said boun as he was tying his blond hair while prem was too busy shuffling in his bag of clothes for his blue towel and when he finally got it, he hurriedly run towards the door to the bathroom which just made the older smile when he noticed the prem forgot his red iron man boxers on the bed.

a chuckle escaped his lips as walks to the bed after finishing fixing his hair. 'oh that damn kid...'

he grabbed the boy's boxer and then walked to the bathroom to knock only to find out that it was unlocked then shook his head while sighing. 'he must've forgot to lock the fucking door...is he giving me some motive? this kid is gonna kill me, i swear...'

"hey, strawberry! aren't you forgetting something?" boun asked after knocking twice, which startled the boy who is currently washing his hair with shampoo.

"w-what?!" screamed prem from the other side as he stared confusedly on the door.

"i said...aren't you forgetting something?" replied the older as he slightly opened the door slightly for his right hand that is holding the boxer to enter while waving it like a flag. his shoulders shaking as muffled laughs escaped his lips.
"i didn't know you like iron man, strawberry."

prem's eyes widen in horror as he stared at his favorite boxer being waved by the older, he had never ran so fast to the door before in his entire life. the younger quickly snached the underwear from the older's veiny hand, and it was also a good thing that he's hiding behind the door as he didn't want the older to see his face flushing in shame.

"s-shut up, bastard!!" the flushed boy said through greeted teeth. the bubbles from his hair slowly dripping down bis body as he bit his lower lip and shut the door after boun took his hand away, afraid that prem might accidentally chop it down with the door because he made the younger pissed.

strawberries and cigarettes → bounpremWhere stories live. Discover now