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『unknown feeling』

"are you ok prem? sorry about earlier.. " boun said with his voice filled with playfullness and a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

prem was shooked and he felt like he just couldn't breathe, he didn't expect boun to recognize him.

he was too shocked to notice that they were already in the kitchen where the lights were on, prem panicked bacuse boun can now completely see his blushing face and also the stupid maid outfit he was wearing. 'ugh! im so stupid!'

but his train of thought stopped when boun called his name and snapped him back to reality. he was suppose to say something when he was interuppted by a girl in a bunny costume with bunny ears and a one piece like bikini with a white round tail at the back, her silky white legs and large breast was showing off.

"hey, p'boun~" she said in a sultry tone that irks prem and he didn't know why. "oh, hey sarah! didn't know you'd come here." boun said, giving his attention on the girl and prem suddenly felt his stomach churn like something had died the butterflies in his stomach. but of course he ignored it and pushed the thought at the very back of his mind and shook his head trying his best not to zone out at a time like this.

"oh by the way, this is prem and prem this is sarah my friend in highschool!" boun said with so much enthusiasm.

prem forced out a smile then waved at the girl whose arms are now wrapped around boun's.
"h-hey!" he cringed at his own sttutering voice as the girl giggles he was thinking of ways to get away from the situation.

"hey, boun where's your costume?" the girl asked completly ignoring prem.

"i wasn't really suppose to be here. dean just dragged me to this party because his boyfriend was coming." he said with a smile and prem felt so out of place as the two talked.

"oh! speaking of p'dean i gotta go, pharm must be looking for me by now, thanks again p'boun!"

with that he left the scene he has to watch, ignoring the unkown feeling in his stomach he thought to himself 'i should probably find manaow....' he squeezed his way through the crowd looking for a certain someone.

when he reached the kitchen, which he was thankfully not squashed by the drunk dancing horny teenagers. and speaking of drunk, there he saw manaow by the kitchen counter with bottle of beer on her hand mumbling incoherent words. prem sighed and walked to manaow with a gloomy aura.

"oi, manaow? where's pharm and why are you alone here?" he asked while shaking manaow waking her up from her daydream. "hey, you know i saw-hic- a girl....i think she's hot!" she said in between hiccups not answering prem who knew better than to ask the drunk girl whose still talking about the hot girl she saw. prem just shook his head and took the bottle from manaow and put her arm around him and his other arm around her waist.

and they were off threw the dancing sea of crowd.

once they reached manaow's car he took the keys from her purse which thankfully didn't drop and put manoaw on the backseat.

he took his phone out messaging pharm.


hey me and manaow are
leaving the party

i gotta take her home
cause she's drunk af!


is she ok?

that's fine me and
p'dean are going home
now anyways...

he said hell take me
home : ))


you kids use protection


and yeah she's fine dont
worry about her worry about
ur ass!


what?! >////<

no! shut up prem!

go home already

prem laughed at the reply of the angel named pharm but when he put his phone in his pockets he heard the voice of a man that's been on his mind this entire time.

"hey...uhm going home?" boun said when prem turned around to look at the older who's wearing the smirk that made the worms crawling on prem's stomach to wiggle and suddenly burst into butterfly but of course he blamed the alcohol for it.

"i didn't really drink any beer or alcohol cause i just got here" boun said with a chuckle and prem started to chew his already red lips and his face a shade of pink. 'fuck! shouldn't have drink any beer! but it was just a little right? am i drunk? is this what drunk feels like? what the fuck am i even thinking?'

while prem was still thinking to himself, boun just stand there with a grin on his face. he stares at prem from head to bottom, loving the way prem's dress flows with the cold wind, he couldn't really appreciate it earlier because the light was dim and when he saved him from his old 'friends' and another interferred from him doing so. but now looking at prem wearing it up close, he couldn't believe his eyes, but he loved what he's seeing.

he didn't know what it is but he felt something inside his gut that suddenly an image of prem panting under him covered in sweat and his face forming a different hue of red popped in his head making him look away from the beauty that is prem.

he gulped and cleared his throat and trying to clear his head that has been invaded by the clueless boy.

"it's ok you dont have to...i kinda just drink a little...but im not drunk! i can still drive. i just don't wanna bother you..." prem said trying to stay calm though his heart says otherwise, he started to walk to the driver's seat but boun quickly stopped him.

of course he's not gonna let this opportunity of teasing the younger whose wearing a maid outfit.

"you sure? but you haven't even greeted your master yet." boun said with grin on his face.

"y-yes im sure! bye!" prem said and hurriedly went inside the car and left the older standing there.


while prem was driving the drunk manaow home his mind was thinking about what the older said earlier that made his cheek redden. 'what the fuck does that even mean? ugh!! i hate that guy!'

as for boun he laid on his bed trying to drift into dreamland but an image of a certain someone in a maid costume with a face that looked so lewed is stopping him and because of the thought something down there twitched and he knew he wasn't getting any sleep tonight.

strawberries and cigarettes → bounpremWhere stories live. Discover now