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"what are you laughing at?" prem said with lips pouted and an angry look in his eyes.

boun just laughed and shooked his head "are you seriously planning on running in the middle of the rain? how stupid can you be?" he said mockingly.

"hey! i-i had n-no choice ok?" prem puffed his chubby pink cheeks then crossed his arms "i know it was don't have to rub it in..." he mumbled to himself hoping that the older didn't hear but oh well...too late.

"what was that?" boun said with sly smirk on his face. "i said nothing-" prem was cut off when he saw boun with an umbrella now under the rain.

"come on kid, stop whining and get in already." boun said while patiently waiting for prem to get in the umbrella.

prem was a bit taken aback but he was still grateful. he stared at boun who was looking around, a small smile creeped into prem's face and started running towards boun. "come on old hag! let's go before the rain get's worse!" with that they started bickering.

moments later after annoying each other they arrived at the parking lot. and boun was covering prem while he was opening the door to his car.

"u-uhm...t-thank you" prem said shyly avoiding eye contact and boun just nodded while smiling. "yeah bye" he said then started to drive but through his rearview mirror he noticed the left shoulder of boun was soking wet.

the unfamilliar flutters of butterflies in his stomach started. "m-maybe im j-just hungry...yeah this is just hunger...." he gulped then tried to focus on the road but the flutters of butterflies was still there.

boun watched as prem's car was gone. he smiled to himself and went straight to his motorbike which was under a shade. he took his rain coat from under the seat of his harley. "definitely worth it." he said then drove off.


two days had passed and the encounter with boun was still fresh in his mind. well in those two days they haven't seen each other for a while, 'maybe he's just busy...wait? what the hell am i thinking? i dont care!! uGh!' he shook his head and started to dress himself in his unform tonight was his shift in the convenient store he worked.

he sighed then fixed his hair infront of the mirror. "this is good enough" he said then took his car keys and brought himself a jacket.

hours had passed it was already 11:11 pm. prem closed his eyes and clasped both his hands together and unknowingly he wished to see the blond haired senior again.

"aren't you a little old to make an 11:11 wish?" that voice, prem knows it so well, it was smooth and husky with a hint of playfulness. he opened his eyes to see a familiar blond hair with an annoying smirk plastered on his face.

his eyes widens and his breath hitched,'did my wish came true?? am i dreaming?' he asked himself but was cut off when boun chuckled and put a pack of ciggarettes and two strawberry flavored juice boxes. "i think all the lays you had been eating is getting in your brain." boun said with a chuckle while pointing at the pile of lays behind prem who forgot to throw them out.

prem blushed a different shade of dark red from his ears to his neck. "y-yeah we-well all the cigarettes you've smoked is bad too you know!" prem said truthfully with a little hint of worry, covered it with a huff and took the sfuffs boun bought.

boun was silent for a moment while staring at prem who was now packing the pack of cigarettes and two juice boxes.
"here you go, sir." prem said sarcastically and gave boun a mischevious smile, which suprised the older.

boun raised a brow then smirked then took the bag from prem's hand, he squeezed the soft and chubby hands of prem, making the poor boy blush again. after a moment, boun let go and took a strawberry flavored juice box and gave it to the blushing boy.

"here, take it." he said while extending his hand to prem who was shocked to the core. "you and this strawberry have two things in, you're both red and two... well you're both sweet." boun said with a raised brow and a killer smirk.

he put the juice box on the table because prem was too shocked and frozen to his spot to take it.

"see you tommorow, strawberry!"

strawberries and cigarettes → bounpremWhere stories live. Discover now