twenty two

436 32 4

『the night before』

the sun gently rose from her slumber, lighting up the vast sky once again with hues of colors and so did the people from their own room but in one specific room, the two figures with their bodies tangled in the sheets of the bed did not seem to want wake up.

boun's arms protectively holding prem's waist while the latter was snuggling under the older's chin and burying his face on boun's neck. what a sight indeed, the two lovers had spent the night with their bodies pressed against each other as boun was giving prem all the love he could and the latter received with open arms and legs, but of course he did give all of him to the older as well.

suddenly the comforting silence in the room was broken by th sound of knocking on the door, "hey, ai'boun? n'prem?! wake up. meet us in the resturant by the beach it's time for breakfast and the coach wants us all to be there, don't be late!" pruk's voice boomed in the room waking up boun who groaned in irritation, not wanting to pull himself away from this position or rather away from this sleeping angel in his arms but the knocking on door says otherwise.

"yeah! we'll meet you there!" came boun's voice and his attention went straight back at the sleeping angel in his arms when he heared him let out a small tired yawn, the boy must've been exhousted from last night. "who was that?" said prem while rubbing his eyes with back of his hand lazily.

"pruk, he said we should get up and have some breakfast with the others but are you okay? are...are you sore?" boun tried not to let the smirk creep in his face, he tried, he really did unfortunatley his attempt failed. that earned him a scowl from the younger and a slap to his shoulder, the face that prem was only made boun chuckle.

"f-fuck you, asshole!"

the flushed faced prem replied, the memory of them with bodies pressed against each other flowed in his head, the way boun was groaning and-'what?! ugh, no! no! no! get out of my head. this is all your fault p'boun, stop running in my head!'

"nah, i'd rather fuck you strawberry."
he leaned closer to prem, raising a suggestive brow accompanied by a sly smirk.

prem looked away from the older, he couldn't look at him straight in the eyes, he felt like if he did then he would give into the older and drown in the two pools that's boun's eyes and never come up for air. 'now i miss poppy and the other trolls. hmp!'

"get away bastard! your the reason why i'm like this, a-and yes! i'm sore asshole..." prem let out a huff and unknowingly a pout.

"my fault? is it my fould that you asked for more last night?" boun taunted the younger and leaned closer to the younger's ear only to whisper; "is it my fault that my strawberry is just really needy?"

prem shivered, roses hue bloomed on his cheeks at what boun had said. he bit his lip and burried his head on boun's neck in shame, 'it's my fault but i'm never admitting that to you bastard!'

"y-yes, i-it's you're fault!"

boun just replied with a chuckle and kissed the younger's head, "fine, it's my fault, brat."

prem, though his face was still red in embarassement, still couldn't help but let out a soft giggle. he could feel his insides churn and his stomach did a backflip and even the thingy in his stomach grew wings and flutter. he couldn't understant but he loved it knowing the reason behind it was the ceratain senior that's holding him in is arms.

he wanted to stay in this moment forever, just cuddling and teasing and just do whatever with his p'boun. he felt content and happy, he din't regret anything that happened the night before in fact he was grateful and over joyed, he wanted that precious memory planted on his mind.

boun felt the same, he swore to himself that now that he's with prem, no one can ever hurt his strawberry ever again. he'll protect him, keep him safe in his arms. 'since when did i became cheesy? damn it prem, i don't care anymore. cheesy or not i'll do anything for you.' he thought as his hold on the younger tighten a bit.

everything seemed perfect and the two never felt so happy before and just relaxed, until....


a growl broke the comforting silence between the two.

"baby, was that your stomach?"


"right, we should shower now then we could go to the resturant and eat breakfast. i think your stomach is screaming at my face that it wants food." boun said between chuckles and helped the younger up since prem was just too lazy to move.

"you go take a shower first baby."

"but i don't wanna~" prem groaned lazily and pouted.

'fuck, don't give me that look prem or else i just might fuck right here right now and forget about everything.'

"what? do want me to shower you? or do you wanna shower together? maybe we could try a shower fuc-"

"n-no! ahhk, i'm gonna go shower by myself! get away horny bastard!" prem with wide eyes said and took his towel from his bag and limped his way to the bathroom with face still flushed.

of course boun just chuckled to himself as he slightly shook his head, 'maybe some other time then'

autho's note |

here's some fluff for you peaches.
thanks so muchs for all the reads and votes! T^T

this chapter is also specially dadicated to Cleo_Baron707 cause this person just made my day. thank u lovely peachykiwi yeah!

(and i'm sorry, i know i said i'll do a double update but something came up and i couldn't write some so here's an unedited chapter for my hoes.)

ya'll are too kind i luv u so much-
anygays, hope ya'll like this mwah!

piece out!✌

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