twenty four

399 32 0

『mosquito bites』

"so, are you pussiess ready to swim?" manoaw said with her hands on her waist and a mischivous smile plastered on her face.

"yes, meow! i'm ready, come on p'boun." prem said with a small giggle then hurriedly ran to the awaiting arms or more like waves of the blue ocean playing tag with him, he didn't even wait for the others and just started dipping his foot on the water.

he turned his head to where his friends were and waved at them with a big smile plastered on his face, soon they joined prem and now manaow was taking pictures on every angle and post them on her instagram while the seniors are quietly sitting on the sand, carefully paying attention to their precious little ones.

and the little ones were just playing with their clothes still on and pharm somehow got a bit uncomfortable by the constant sticking of his shirt on hi body so he held the hem of his shirt and was about to take it off when prem stopped him.

"don't! i'm sure p'dean left marks on you, you need cover it up or else everyone will know." the ravenette whisper-yelled in pharm's ear and the latter widens his eyes but nods and let go of his hold on his shirt. "y-yeah, you're probably right."

prem smiled and nodded at him as he took off his shirt, yes he just forgot that he too, had marks painted all over his body. suddenly a loud gasp sartled him and pharm and found that it was coming from manaow. "prem, why do you have a bruises on your neck? what happened to that?" manaow asked as she walked to prem who is still a little bit shocked. he was now sitting by the shore just a few meters away from the two seniors,

"i'm fine j-just a big mosquito bit me last nigh...ehehehe" he awkwardly said and glared at boun who just replied with a grin and he even had that smug look in his face as if he's so proud of the fine art he made that prem carelessly showed off, his heart swelled with pride and he licked his dry lips as he stare at the topless prem.

prem kept glaring at him but he snapped out when he heared manaow, "but why is there so many?" she asked but she knew that the big mosquito that bit her friend was a a bleached blond one and smirking, "u-hm, the ac in our room broked so iguess...mosquito's just feasted on me. p'boun had none because he's practically skin and bones the mosquito can't suck out anything!" he joked loudly, enough for boun to hear, the older's perfectly sculpted eyebrow was raised in both amusement and daring.

prem giggled again and manaow did too, but the smile manaow was wearing suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a serious one. "prem, what are you and p'boun, really? i mean what's between you two?" she asked, her voice serious as well which shook prem. he rarely saw manaow liked this, he was so used to seeing her all smiling face and cheerful voice that hearing her now gave him goosebumbs.

"w-what are you talking about?" he feigned ignorance as he tried to avoid the praying eyes of manaow. "don't think i don't notice how you and p'boun always seems to be so close and bow you two skipped two days of our activity," her chestnut eyes squinted while pointing and accusing finger at the shocked prem.

"i-i...uhm-" he couldn't even reply to manaow, 'what are we? are we friends? but friends don't k-kiss and do that, right? so we're not friends?' confusion was evident on the ravenettes face and manaow's face softens at that so she sighed and just say beside the latter, "it's okay prem, you don't have to tell me now. i'm just really worried about you, you can tell whenever you're ready." she said and the smile returned to her face which prem gladly gave back but the questions in his mind just kept on growing and growing and he yearns for an answer and the only person who can answer that is,



author's note |

hello, sorry it took me so long to update something just happened and there's just so many school works to do, i had no time to write :"(

so here's a short-unedited chapter for u hoes.

strawberries and cigarettes → bounpremWhere stories live. Discover now