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『indirect kiss』

"oh my god guys! that guy beside him is p'dean!" and the fangirling of manaow continues while the two boys was pale and both looked like they were about to die.

prem was once again awestruck by the blond haired senior. the two senior who took everyone's breath away in the cafeteria was walking gracefully towards manaow, pharm and prem's table which was a few feet away to where p'dean and the blondie was always sitting.

prem was so spaced out that the only thing he could hear was the drumming of his heart and the footsteps of the blond senior towards him, he didn't notice how his shaking hand that was holding the juice box almost fell, but before it did blondie caught it and brought it to his lips, took a sip where prem's lips had been then gave his famous smirk at prem.

"hmm..strawberry my favorite, oh! and by the way-" he put his index finger under prem's chin and said "you might want to close this before a fly get in your mouth" after that he left the dumbstruck prem while holding the strawberry flavored juice box.

"oh. my. god. ahhh!!! what was that?!? did you see that pharm? huh! i think a ship is begining to sail!!" she said as she was shaking the poor pharm. "i don't know! and will you shut up? i think my ears are gonna bleed from your screams!" prem said while burying his face on both his hands, trying so hard to hide the blush on his face. 'that blondie! ugh! i hate him so much!"

the train of thought about him cursing the blondie to hell was cut short when pharm called his name. "hey prem! don't you have a class this morning?" he said. "oh shit! you're right! i gotta go bye!" with that he ran through the door of the cafeteria passing the table of dean and the blondie. he was such in a hurry that he didn't notice how the blondie stared at him while he was running.

the blondie was smiling to himself then shaking his head at the cuteness of the boy. "hey, what was that?" dean asked while eating his favorite omelette "what was what?" he said trying so hard to hide his smile. blondie shrugged his shoulder while avoiding eye contact to his friend.

"don't play dumb boun. i know you, now spill before i spill this water in your face." boun's eyes widens, he cleared his throat and rubbed his nape. dean and boun had been friends for as long as he can remember and he knew that his friend can't easily be swayed by anyone so when boun pulled that stunt earlier he was shooked and he knew something's up.

"'s a really long story.." boun said nervously. he didn't really know how to tell this to his friend or if this was the right moment so he just sighed. "i'll tell you later ok? i gotta go,see ya later!"

after running away from the hot seat, boun let out a relieved sigh.


the day passed by like a blur to prem as he packed his stuff inside the locker. his phone buzzed in his pocket signaling that he had a message.


-hey u coming to the senior
and junior party?

-i think it's called choose ur drink or something idk but yeahH!

-u should toOotally cOme!
or else....😑

prem was shocked to see the messages manaow had sent him about some party. truthfully he was never a party goer, he hates it so much because well...hates interacting with people he doesn't know. he sighed in distress as he typed in a reply to manaow.

@prem_out_of space🐷

-no im not going.

-im busy.


-cOmE oNnn!





-if you don't come
imma sing a song with ur

-prem and a phonE~



ok fine im coming! jeEz

i hate u


okie~ bye

see you next saturday!!

prem let out a defeated sigh 'guess im coming to this stupid party after all...' he shut his locker and left. he shook his head when he remembered about pharm's phone incident. he borrowed the latter's phone that time and he was playing games on the phone while peeing. to his stupidity, it fell in the toilet.

he was shaking badly that time so he asked help from manaow, they just planned to tell pharm that it was stolen because he knew, it will be an endless nagging if pharm finds out that he was being careless.

when he stepped out their building it was pouring rain and he forgot to bring his umbrella well of course it was not his day.

the parking lot was a few more blocks away he figured if he just ran through the rain it'd be fine, but then he shook his head at the thought. 'nope. not gonna happen. i do not wish to have a cold!!" he groaned in frustation "what am i suppose to do?"

"ok....fine i don't care anymore!!" he took a deep breath then started stretching his limbs as if he was about to run a marathon which he will, considering the school parking lot was a bit far from the science building.

but he was stopped when he heard a chuckle from behind and when he turned around, he saw the man who was the last on his list of person he would rather see.

strawberries and cigarettes → bounpremWhere stories live. Discover now