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maid in distress

prem let out a long sigh as he was staring at himself at the mirror. he put on his necklace with a small blue sapphire pendant that his mother gave him for his birthday. which he never take off.

'god damn it, i look like a girl!' he was still a having second thoughts on wether he'll go to the damn party or just leave forever and never to be seen again. of course we all know the latter is not going to happen and he knows damn well what manaow will do if he doesn't go to this party so with a long sigh he fixed his hair and the maid head band and put on the mask pharm had given him.

prem looked around the apartment searching for a certain blond haired boy. prem smiled to himself when he didn't see any sign of boun being there.

a few moments later he arrived at the place where the party is held then he saw two of his bestfriend waiting for him with wide grins plastered on their faces. "prem, you look so adorable!" manaow said with a proud smile and slowly clapping at herself. "well you guys don't look so bad yourself..." prem chuckled as he examined the two. pharm is wearing a cute panda bear onesie while manaow is wearing a nurse outfit which suited her very well and to top it all of with a zombie make up.

the mansion, yes mansion because there was no way that this could be just a house was huge and is surrounded by drunk teenagers and some are even laying on the lawn, sleeping. prem stood there amazed as he stare at the mansion.

they were now inside the mansion filled with loud and drunk teenagers banging their head matching the tune of the party music wearing their costumes. some were even dressed up as a super hero and other girls were wearing such revealing clothes that got the boys drooling. on the other side of the living room, others where playing some party games that prem didn't even know existed like throwing pingpong on a questionable clean red cups filled with liquor, and others passing a card with lips 'ugh...that's so disgusting!' prem thought to himself and he was about to call his friends when he noticed they were now gone, dancing on the dance floor with flashing lights. when prem was about to walk away he saw a couple eating each other's faces like there was no tomorrow and even grinding on each other. prem looked away in disgust and quickly ran to where his friends were.

"manaow! where were you? why'd you left me out there?!" prem shouted so manaow could hear him because the music was just too loud and he felt like his ears were going to bleed. "what?! i can't hear you!" manaow shouted back a bit tipsy even though she just had a couple cups of alcohol. prem just shook his head, knowing that what they're doing is just stupid. "why aren't you drinking?!" pharm asked who was beside p'dean holding a cup of liquor. well prem was never a fan of alcohol and he has low alcohol tolerance. for him, it just taste disgusting. "i don't drink alcohol!" he shouted back. "what?! come on, we're in a party! you have to drink!" manaow said and shoved the red cup on prem's hand and walked towards with her other girl friends but not forgeting giving prem a face that says do-as-i-say-or-else...

prem hesitated at first but then just thought 'ah fuck it' and drank the bitter alcohol. he felt the hot liqour burn his throat and made his mind fuzzy. he was halfway through his drink whe he noticed his friends were getting far away from him because of dancing, aloof of their surrounding. he was alone again and was surrounded by the other seniors, blocking any escape. he cleared his throat and nervously said "u-uhm, excuse me i have to go get my friend..." he cursed himself for stuttering. "don't worry about your friend cutie you can just hang with us upstairs...i promise we're going to have so much fun" the guy infront of him wearing a vampire costume said with voice full of malice and prem prayed to any god out there to save him.

the man walked closer to him and was about to pull him by his hands which was trembling with fear, when suddenly a hand was now holding his waist tightly and pulled into a familliar chest. he was shocked to see boun, he felt like everything was in slowmotion as he stare at boun wearing a casual look. with a gray hoodie, ripped jeans and white sneakers and most importantly his signature hairdo. he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heared boun speak. "hey, leave the girl alone!" boun said with a bit of anger in his voice. the gang who surrounded them was shocked when they saw boun. the gang had a terrified look on their faces, but the guy in vampire costume didn't budge and smirked, wanting to annoy the rebel named boun. "oh no, we're not bothering anyone. we were just asking if she could hang with us...that's all" he said with an annoying smirk plastered on his face. "lev! what the hell are you doing? you're gonna get us all killed!" the guys beside him whisper shouted but he just ignored it.

prem didn't know if he was going to be insulted by the fact that this guys mistakened him for a girl or be thankful because they thought that he was a girl and not a boy in a maid costume. still he knew thinking about it now wouldn't be helpful so he looked up at boy who was still holding him tightly.

"well she's not comfortable so would you please just fuck off?" boun said with a sarcastic smile and left the others dumb struck except lev.

and prem cursed the damn clothes he was wearing because if he weren't wearing such cloth this wouldnt have happened. but either way there is no point in crying over spilled milk now. he was just thankful that the person he hated the most was the who save him and electrifying waves he felt while being held in the arms of boun.

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