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boun cleared his throat then took a glance at prem who made a face like he just said the stupidest thing in the world. "are you kidding me? you're like the most intresting guy in school!" prem said with a slight scowl on his face.

boun raised an amused brow at prem "so you think im interesting?" the older smirked at prem whose now regreting his life decisions. "that's not- what i mean is- ugh!" prem said clearly frustrated with his cheeks reddening.

"if you don't mind just answer my question..." prem mumbled but he was sure that the blond boy heard him.

boun chuckled at the sight of the boy in front him and sighed "well... i got suspended because i beat the shit out of my old friend." he said with a slight chuckle. "why?" prem asked as his champagne eyes trace every features of the older infront him.

"well, you see i was in a gang back was fun actually, getting into fights, getting tattoos and piercings and running away from our problems you know just be free.." he said with a chuckle then it slowly died down. "until...the gang started to do illegal things... like selling drugs for money and whenever we got into fights they would use weapons and i didn't want that, so i quit..." boun said while staring into the void remembering the laughs he shared with gang that became a part of his life.

" many tattoos do you have?" asked prem who's staring at the tribal tattoo on boun's left arm. he didn't question the older about the gang he was in because he said enough and prem didn't want to push the older anymore than he did.

"hmm... i have one on the side of my right shoulder, this one on my arm, on my left shoulder and wings on my back so i guess five." replied the older while pointing out his tattoos on his body.

"what?! you have a tattoo on your back? can i see?" asked the eager prem. this got boun to let out a laugh and stared at prem with his signature smirk plastered on his face "are you sure strawberry?" he asked the younger whose now sitting infront of him. "yes! come on let me see!" said prem.

boun just chuckled while shaking his head. "fine, you brat" he said then started to unbutton his white polo with long sleeves, the action made prem's face to his neck to burn a different shade of red hue. he looked away and pursed his lips as he gulped he thought 'what the fuck is wrong with me? why am i feeling this? it's just hot here right? yeah that's it, it's just hot....fuck' he cursed in his head and when he finally looked at boun who is now topless and all his tattoos on display for prem to admire.

but with tattoos, comes with scars. some beside boun's tattoos and his back, prem was taken aback by this but didn't ask a question to boun, 'maybe it's just from the gang fights he's been in.'

the champagne eyes of prem widens as he stare at big wing tattoo on both of bouns shoulder blades to the bottom of his spine.
he couldn't help but to trace every curve and line of the tattoo, the warm fingertips of prem made the older to close his eyes as he feel the sensation of prem's skin on his.

"w-what does it mean?" prem asked in a whisper. boun opened his eyes and gulped making his adams apple to bob then cleared his throat as turn to face prem with a slight smile on his face.

"it means..." he put his left hand on the side of prem's head whose sitting against the wall, while boun is now kneeling infront of him. boun leaned closer to the younger's ear and continued in whisper "....that even fallen angels get to fly, strawberry."

"am i interupting something?"

suddenly the door burst open revealing a boy with a jet black hair. prem quickly pushed the smirking boun away and walked towards the boy by the door. "raven! t-thank god you're here, we got locked inside earlier...." said the prem with flaming red cheeks and sweating palms, and his shirt a bit messy and ignored the question of the said boy.

"uhuh...and that guy is...your boyfriend?" said raven who is looking at prem and boun suspiciously.

"what?! n-no, he's not my boyfriend. he is just a customer here!" prem said clearly embarrassed while boun just chuckled while buttoning his white long sleeved polo.

"yet..." boun said with a raised amused brow and a killer smirk as he started to walk towards to door leaving the two boys dumb founded. he walked towards the counter to take his already paid strawberry flavored juicebox and of course leaving the other juicebox for prem but before he could leave he turned to prem who is now standing by outside the door with raven beside him "i'll just come by here next time strawberry, and make sure by then you already have my ciggarettes." he said and winked at prem then left.

"are you sure he's not your boyfriend?" asked raven.

"for fucks sake, yes!" said prem who is still blushing and not meeting the eyes of the ebony haired boy. "and your sure you guys didn't do anything nasty in there?" raven smirked as he followed prem to the counter.

"what- no we didn't do anything, just shut up!" prem said while holding the strawberry juicebox. "that's not what i saw earlier..." raven said and sat on the counter trying to meet the eyes of prem.

"fuck off, raven..." prem replied and bit his already swollen red lips and his face in a hue of pink.

strawberries and cigarettes → bounpremWhere stories live. Discover now