twenty seven

366 24 0

『old time's sake』

prem felt like his head was hit by a huge sledge hammer or better yet miley cyrus' wrecking ball because the moment he opened his eyes was like a trigger to his head that it started hurting. 'damn, what the?...'

he blinked a couple of times to get rid of the blurriness of his vision, when it cleared he was greeted by an unfamilliar suroundings. his brows creased and his eyes started swarming with confusion, "where the hell am i?" his voice groggy.

"dude, he's awake! should i call boss?"

prem heard a voice not far from him, he tilted his head upwards and was faced with two unfamilliar figures. one was insanely tall and the other was just really smoll, smoll with an 'o' as in smoll bean since the boy looked like a dwarf standing next to this tall guy.

"damn it, i shouldn't have agreed to lev with this thing, saifah! and there's a boy tied up here that we are forced to watch!" the boy was fuming and his face was beat red. the tall man beside him wrapped his arm around the boy's small frame, attempting to comfort the panicking boy by whispering incoherent words to prem but made the small boy to calm down.

"it's okay, zon...." he heard the tall boy said which apparently named saifah and the smoll boy was zon.

prem felt like he was intruding something important between the two, but he got questions that needs answers, badly. so prem just bit his lower lip and let out a small sigh before he reluctantly cleared his throat to get the attention of the two.

"ehem! uhm, c-can i ask where am i and why the hell am i tied to a chair here? where is my phone?"

the said duo glanced at him, shock was evident on their faces and the taller guy seemed to loose his eyes when he smiled at prem since his eyes were so chinky, small.
"oh yeah, almost forgot about you..." said the taller as he let go of the smaller male and walked to him.

suprisingly, he untied prem from the not so tight knot from the chair. it didn't even leave a mark 'oh thank god it didn't', but it did had enough grip or strength to keep prem in place, still, prem was shocked. why would he untie him? isn't he suppose to be held captive? not that he was complaining though...he was just really curious. he wasn't expecting this to happen, he's expecting more of like in one of the movies he watched, when there's a damsel in distress, kidnapped by some drug dealing thugs.

"w-why did you untie me?" prem, stating his thoughts but saifah seemed to be annoyed, the way his brow creased and irritation swam in his eyes, far from the guy he just saw earlier coaxing the smaller figure. 'what's up with this guy?'

"do you always ask this many question?" prem was a little bit taken aback by this boy's statement, like who wouldn't be? first he was just getting home and was calling his boyfriend and then the next thing he knows, he woke up in this creepy looking place guarded by this...couple? were they even lovers? if so, then that would explain a lot for them and if not then it will just keep growing questions. so based on his observation, he relied on how the two acted earlier and assumed that they were lovers.

saifah pulled him up from his chair by gripping his shoulders, walking him outside the door then pulled out a phone. he started typing something on it then put it to he's ear, zon was quietly walking behind them with his head hang low.

after prem heard a ringing tone then it stopped, the other line must've answered the call.

"hello? yes, we got him...he's with me." saifah said to the other person on the phone while he glanced at prem then his eyes turned to zon.

"hmm...we'll be there in a minute. just text me when it starts."

then the call ended and prem was still confused as hell, "where the fuck are you taking me? where am i?! answer me!" prem demanded, he was panicking alright. he was worried about what this two might do to him, or just this tall guy since zon was too small, prem could easily take him. he was also worried about his p'boun, the guy must be worried sick. the ravenette couldn't even think about escaping since his body was just so tired from the ride home and from swimming all day, his mucles were aching, just thinking about punching someone so hard makes him tired.

a frown starts to make its way on prem's pale face. they were heading out and a car was waiting for them in the front of this oddly looking building, zon opened the passenger seat and saifah opened the door of the backseat for him. you'd think he'd have a panick attack by now, but no, prem didn't want to go back to being a weakling like he was before. he should be brave and have faith that his p'boun will save him.

and as the car started driving by some unknown guy, prem could only close his eyes and clutched his chest, feeling the fast beats of his heart, thinking it was boun's. it helped him calm down thankfully, but it wasn't enough, he just wanted to see the face of his lover.



"do you wanna see your precious twink now boun? my boys just called and they're with that boy." lev said with malice in his voice.

"don't you dare lay a finger on him, or i swear to god i will beat the shit out of you and your face won't be recognize by anyone." boun's voice is dark and threathing, so far from the man that was carefree and playful towards his friends and lover. "well that sounds fun. oh, and i almost forgot...your other friend, what's his name again? dian? drew?- dean! yeah that stoic, mouthless guy. i invited him over! you know...for old time's sake? let's go for a ride." a smirk grew on lev's face knowing that he hit a nerve in boun.

while the bleached blond man had his eyes wide, it has been a long time since he ride or more likely been in a race. the race that started all of this.

"we'll meet at ten the usual spot where the race begins, be there and don't be late unless you don't wanna see your pretty boy again." with that lev turned around and was ready to walk away and leave the frustrated boun but he stopped when he heard him spoke.

"why are you doing this?" boun's fist balled as he said those words, he didn't think his old friend would be like this to him and even drag his lover into this mess. he was angry- no, furious even, he wanted to just punch the guy straight in the face.

slowly, lev turned his head to boun with a smirk still attached to his face, "i told you, for old time's sake."


author's note |

hello sorry, i know i said i'll do a double update and i was even planning on making it a tripple update to thank you guys but...change of plans.

my dog just died and i feel like im not in the rights state of mind to write a decent chapter. i don't wanna write a filler and i don't wanna disappoint ya'll :(

but here's an update to thank you lovely hoes because this book just reached 2k! this is like the bright side after my puppy died. and the votes? i don't deserve ur luv guys...i swear-

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