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『girl at the party』

manaow is currently walking threw the empty hallway of the school to the drama club, school was already dismissed and only a few students were left who is doing club activites or just stayed to kill some time but of course manaow was left to do the former. she was punished for ditching the club for two days because she was running some 'errands' and by that she meant shopping on the first day, then on the second she caught a cold after running in the rain when she went shopping.

even though she's still not feeling good she had to go to school because she already missed a few lessons and their club president will surely kill her, so she was punished to clean the clubroom alone.

her friends pharm and prem already left leaving manaow to go home alone later, she sighed when she's getting nearer to their clubroom. she was about to open the door when a familliar voice called her. "hey manaow!" boun said as he was waving at her with a small smile on his face.

"oh, hey p'boun!" she smiled and waved back but then noticed that boun was with a familliar figure with him. she stared in awe at the girl standing beside the senior. "manaow what are you still doing here?" asked boun who is now walking towards her with the girl. "uhm...club activities..." she said with a small chuckle. when boun noticed that manaow was staring at his friend a small mischevous smile began to creep into his perfect features.
'ah...manaow' he shook his head and knowingly look at the girl.

he cleared his throat and said,"by the way this is sarah my friend from highschool-" he said then gestured his hand to sarah then to manaow. "...and this is manaow my friend."

both said hello to each other yet manaow still couldn't pin point as to who this girl was but she felt like she'd seen her before.

"so manaow, have you seen prem?" asked boun. "prem? oh! he left earlier maybe his home or his at work not sure" replied manaow. "speaking of home, i gotta go, my boyfriend is picking me up. bye p'boun, bye manaow. it was nice meeting you." the jet black haired girl with brown eyes and red lips said. "wait, boyfriend? again?" said boun with a confused look in his face. "yeah...i got so heart broken when you picked that pretty boy over me at the party." she said while clutching her chest feigning hurt. "but im over it, anyways.. bye!"

boun just chuckled at what his friend said then took a glance at manaow who has a shoked expression on her face. 'wait...she's the girl at the party! oh my gosh!' she gasped at the realization. boun raised a brow at her then sighed. "hey, manaow i gotta go too. good luck with that club activity!" the blond said the left manaow at her own world.


author's note |

lol prolly the shortest chapter ever :p sorry pips im lazy af. im sorry this kinda like a filler (but not really??) i dont know if you get that though ;-; but anyways this like a sneak peak for manaow's story cause i don't wanna just focus on one ship. so i hope you like it.

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