25- Sleepover (3)

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Author's Pov

It was already late night. They all were sitting together in the living room. Some were still awkward around each other while some were trying their best to avoid the awkwardness in the air.

"Let's play a game since we all are not sleepy yet?!" Hoseok suggested. They all nodded without getting excited. "But what should we play?" Suga asked roaming his eyes around everyone's face. "what about dare and dare?"

"Nooooo!!!!" Jisoo got startled as Jungkook, Lisa, Taehyuung and Jennie immediately yelled at her suggestion. They remembered what happened last time when they were playing that game.

"Ok Ok calm down! I was just suggesting a simple game. Why are you all so afraid of that game?" Jisoo asked raising her brows at them who looked embarassed.

"W-Why don't we watch a movie?" Jennie immediately changed the topic and all nodded. "Okay! I'll play one!" She stood up from her seat and excitedly ran to play the movie.

"Which one? The Mimic or Death Bell or Gonj-?" Jennie asked. "What? Are we going to see a horror movie?" Taehyung asked widening his eyes and gulped in nervousness. Jennie smirked and raised her brows "why? Don't tell me you're still scared of horror movies!" Jennie giggled silently seeing him sweating.

"What? No way! I'm comfortable with every movie! I was just scared for you!" Taehyung relaxed himself and let out an awkward laugh. "Huh? You don't have to be! Just take care of yourself. Im going to play Gonjiam Haunted Asylum!" Jennie exclaimed and played the movie. All settled themselves on couch and started munching on the popcorn and soft drinks Jisoo and Jin prepared.

Jisoo was sitting with Jin, Then Jungkook, Lisa, Taehyung, Jennie, Rosé, Jimin. While Namjoon, Suga and Hoseok were sitting behind them on the chairs.

Soon the movie started getting intersting. All were totally involved in the movie. Taehyung has burried his whole face in his t-shirt, only his scrunched eyes were visible. Moment to moment, he was hiding his whole face under his t-shirt getting scared of the horrar scene while Jennie ws having a hard time to control herself from laughing seeing him.

Rosé was also getting scared seeing the scariest faces of the ghost. She unknowingly clutched Jimin's hand and closed her eyes. Jimin turned his head towards her and saw her getting scared. He panicked and kept his free hand on her head and caressed her hairs to calm her. She unknowingly kept her head on his chest and hugged his waist. Jimin chuckled seeing her behaving like this.

Rosé realised what she was doing and immediately tried to get away from him but this time he hugged her and caressed the back of her head. "Please, just stay like this." He whispered in her ear which was not hearable for others but her. She didn't said anything neither she did any action. She tightened her grip around his waist and snuggled closer to his chest because all she wanted right now was to be close to him and feel his warm presence.

Out of nowhere, Jisoo and jin started laughing seeing the horrible faces of the ghosts. All looked at them weirdly and shook their heads. After sometime, Jisoo felt heavy weight on her arm and looked at Jin who was sleeping cuddling to her arm and his mouth was widely open. She shook her head and wiped a little drool over the end of his mouth. She tucked him inside the cozy blanket and hugged him tightly smilingly.

"Hyung! They're sleeping here. We should sleep in guest room." Namjoon said to Suga and the three nodded and went inside the guest room before the movie could end. Now only Jungkook and Lisa was awake. All were fast asleep.

Lisa looked around and saw Taehyung and Jennie hugging each other while sleeping. Rosé was also sleeping on Jimin's chest and Jin who was sleeping beside Jisoo, was now lying on the floor near her feets as she kicked him in sleep.

Lisa couldn't help but let out a chuckle which was instantly noticed by Jungkook. "What so funny?" Jungkook asked staring at her. She looked at him and then pointed her finger towards Jin and Jisoo. Jungkook too couldn't help and silently laughed.

When both were laughing, Jungkook looked at Lisa and his laugh slowly formed into a small smile. Lisa felt his gaze on her and looked at him. They both unconsciously stared deep in each other's eyes. "Lisa!" Jungkook whispered staring right in her eyes. She stayed silent only looking at him which made him continue. "I just want to say that, I won't apologize for whatever I did in past." Jungkook said still staring in her deep brown eyes. The softness he was experiencing in her eyes was now gone and was replaced by the coldness. She stared at him silently until her eyes couldn't hold back those tears which were dying to come out.

She looked down at her lap as she started getting flashes of past. The pain she felt when he left her. A teardrop rolled down her cheek as she couldn't control it. She was thinking that maybe they can move on from now, just the way others were trying. But here he is, he said he won't apologize for what he did. Does that mean he don't even regret it? He still thinks that she was wrong?

"Lisa....I'm sorry" Jungkook panicked seeing her crying but kept his voice low as everyone else were sleeping. "Didn't you said you won't apologize?" She chuckled with tears still rolling down from her eyes.

"Looks like I'm really bad at this.....Please don't cry!" He clutched her small hand under his big one. She didn't said anything. She was confused what he meant. But decided not to ask anything further. All she wanted right now was the warmness his hand was giving her. She tightened her grip on his hand and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I wish you could feel the same way I do for you" Lisa whispered entwining his hands with hers. "I do!" He whispered back and closed his eyes resting his head above her head.

Sorry for late update! Busy with studies you know ? Anyway enjoy!
Stay Safe

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