26- Rain

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I blinked my eyes twice trying to adjust myself with sunrays falling on my face. I opened my eyes and looked around. I remembered how I fell asleep with Jungkook last night. But right now, he's not here. Actually, nobody's here. I immediately sat on the couch straight and looked around the whole living room was empty.

Jisoo unnie came outside from her room and smiled at me warmly "Good morning Lisa!" Her smile literally brightened my day. "Morning unnie! Where's everyone?" I asked raising my brows. "Ohh! They left early because their manager called them." Jisoo unnie said sitting besid me.

"And yah! Jimin told me that you have to go to record the song today. Go and get freshen up!" Jisoo unnie pushed me inside my room and I directly went to bathroom.

Time Skipped~

I was recording song with Hoseok oppa and Jimin oppa. Only the three of us with the manager was present there in the recording room. I was looking around since the moment I came here, looking for a certain person who was no where to seen.

I sighed in disappointment and continued the recording. The day flew away in a slick. I bid bye to everyone and started leaving. Bighit's manager arranged a car for me and I sat inside. The chauffeur started driving towards our dorm. We were in middle of the way when the car halted stopped. "What's wrong ajusshi?" I asked the chauffeur who was now talking with someone on his phone. He looked tensed. "My wife met with an accident. I have to go to hospital" he said panting and I got worried.

"Oh my god! You should go to hospital as soon as possible. She might need you!" I told him. "But, then how are you going to your dorm?" He asked looking more worried. "Don't worry about me ajusshi! Please go to hospital. I'll hail a cab from here!" I said and immediately came out of the car wearing my face mask. "Don't worry! Your wife will be safe!" I assured him and he nodded and drove away.

I sighed standing at the middle of the isolated road. I don't think so I can find any taxi here, I should book a cab. I took out my phone and frowned seeing it dead. How am I gonna get home?

I looked up in the sky and saw the weather wasn't really good. Looks like soon gonna rain. I sighed and decided to find a place to stay. I walked ahead a little and saw a bus stop. No one was around and that made me worried but I don't have any other choice. I stood under the bus stand and waited for any bus or taxi to come. Soon, it started raining and I moved back pinning my back to the wall of bus stop to save myself from the rain.

It has been almost 20 minutes since I'm standing here, soaking wet in the heavy rain. There's no sign of any bus and taxi. I sighed and closed my eyes when I heard a sound of car's tyres. I opened my eyes and saw a white car right in front of me. I couldn't see who was sitting inside because of water flowing on the windows of the car. But to clear my confusion, soon a figure came out from the car.

My eyes widened as I saw Jungkook getting out from the car not caring about himself getting wet in rain. He came towards me and stood right in front of me. He stared at me with a blank face and then removed his jacket and kept it on my shoulders. He didn't said anything neither I did.

He held my wrist and started taking me towards his car. He opened the door of passenger seat and I quickly hopped in. My hairs and upper body was already wet so I covered myself properly with his jacket. He came towards driver's seat and started driving silently. I couldn't help but stared at him. He looked really hot, with his white t-shirt sticking to his wet torso. His hairs which was neatly done, by now they were messy and sticking to his forehead.

 His hairs which was neatly done, by now they were messy and sticking to his forehead

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He turned his head in my direction and I quickly looked ahead. But looks like he already caught me gawking at him cause I saw from the corner of my eyes the corner of his lips lifting up and forming into his infamous smirk.

"H-How did you got to know that I'm here?" I tried not to shudder in front of him but it clearly didn't worked. "Chauffeur called me." He replied with a straight face without diverting his eyes from the road. "But why did he only called you?" I asked staring my lap and I heard him letting out a huff. "Are you disappointed seeing me?" He asked with annoyance filled voice and I quickly shook my head.
"No! I didn't meant that!" I immediately exclaimed.

"Anyway! Answering your questions, I called him to ask if he safely dropped you to your dorm or not. Thats when he told me about his wife's accident so I came here to drop you!" He explained still looking at the empty road sprinkling with raindrops.

Did he really cared about me? He didn't show up the whole day I was in his office. Then why did he cared about me reaching to my dorm safely or not? "Where were you the whole day?" I asked out of the blue and instantly regretted as soon I realised I shouldn't have asked it.

I'm no one to ask him anything. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes and saw him smiling a little. I got confused and stared at him properly. "I was on a date!" He let out with his casual voice and my eyes popped out as soon I realised his words.

Cheater! How could you!

I wanted to yell this at him right now. But stopped immediately realising I'm no one now to ask him anything about his personal life. I shushed myself from asking anything further but my mind kept battling inside about his date. Did he really went on a date? With who? He has been shipped with a lot of female idols. No doubt everyone calls him international playboy!

My heart clenched remembering that article I read on my insta handle which tells, of him and Tzuyu of Twice dating. Maybe he went with her. Or maybe he went with some another girl. Looks like he really moved on.

I should hate him for doing these things with me. But I can't. I just can't! All that I was hoping now was to somehow stop those tears which were brimming inside my eyes.

"Wanna know who was my date?" He asked staring at the road not realising that I was almost crying silently. I didn't said anything and kept staring at my lap.

Boring right?
Stay Safe

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