Chapter 10

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Sorry that I haven't updated in so long...stuff's been happening with a new musical that I'm in, you know? But anyways the next chapter is here, with a new goal and a new character!


10: Thanks for the Memories...


 I rushed over the tall trees of the forest in the mountains, scanning left and right with my keen eyes. Every so often I would zoom in, looking closer for the team of demigods. My wings beat heavily, carrying me along with powerful flaps. Suddenly, I saw something: a gleam of metal. I zoomed my vision in, and there I saw a tall kid with dirty hair and green eyes sheathing two swords. It was Jack, th leader of the famous god-defeating team.

I flew forwards towards them. I had to warn them.



As I sheathed my swords from my short burst of training, I heard wings flapping high above me. I looked up and saw a titanic bird flying overhead. I gave a cry and drew my swords back out again, calling the team over. I had had enough bad experiences with giant birds (Imdugud, anyone?) before. I screamed a warning, and the team came rushing over, ready to fight.

We all gathered in the clearing near our camp, and the huge bird touched down at the other side of it. The huge creature had beautiful black, blue, and green feathers, and its head had a magnificent red crest on it. Suddenly, it shuddered. It wings pulled back into its body and grew thinner. Its feather receded, and clothes began to grow on top of it.

Before I knew it, the bird had turned into a man. The man was definitely of African descent, maybe Kenyan, lean and tall, and he wore colorful red and yellow cloth garments. He had a large headdress adorned with feathers and bones on top of his head. The left half of his face was painted yellow, and the right was painted red. Three vertical black charcoal lines stretched across his forehead, and he had an urgent look in his deep brown eyes.

"Please, do not attack. I am here to help. My name is Kahungu, and I am an African spirit, the messenger of the gods themselves. I assisted the great hero Mwindo himself, but that is a story for another time. Right now, I come to bring you some very powerful news. Asag is coming for you," he said in a loud and powerful voice.

"We know that," Piper said curtly.

"I am sure of it, child, and please do not talk down to me. But there is more to my message. The only thing that can kill Asag is known as the Shard of the Ancients. The Shard is a very powerful crystal that was imbued with the power of the Greek giant Enkelados when we locked him up under the mountains of that country. When the Shard is merged with one of your weapons, you will become as powerful as Enkelados for about five minutes, enough time for you to kill or drive back Asag," Kahungu said.

"Where is it?" Kevin asked.

"I'm getting to that. The Shard is hidden here in this very country, right at its southern tip. There is a large rock there that we gods like to call Fortress Crag. Inside Fortress Crag, there is a network of caves populated by many monsters. If you can get through the monsters, you will come to the central cave, and inside, the Caanite god of war and light, Moloch, guards the Shard. Moloch should be willing to give it to you, but he does have occasional...temper swings, so be careful. That is all! Good luck children, and remember that I am watching over you!" Kahungu said.

Kahungu screeched, and there was a bright flash of green light. When the light faded, Kahungu had turned back into his bird form and was flapping away over the trees. I raised a hand and waved goodbye to him, when I noticed that my hand was glowing green. I looked down at my legs. They were glowing as well.

"WHY AM I GLOWING?!" I screamed.

"Calm down, Jack, Kahungu's given us a nature blessing. I know this spell, and it's one that only gods and deities can pull off. It's of divine-caliber. This spell will protect us from all monster that have anything to do with animals. So if we come across a werewolf, it will flee. If we find a lamassu, it will also, and so on and so forth," Piper explained.

"I love my walking dictionary. Now let's find this shard!" I cried.

Kingdom of the Gods: Godkiller (Sequel to Mythical Madness)Where stories live. Discover now