Chapter 15

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I feel sooooooooo bad that I haven't updated in so long!!! I've been in france and stuff's been busy with that, but now I'm updating. Sorry for the super-long wait! But anyways, here is the next chapter.


15: Me Again?


I was sitting upon the edge of the black cliff where out camp was located, looking out upon the Slave Caves. I could see buildings and structures churning out parts, slaves being whipped along, and guards everywhere. The slaves outnumbered them, but the guards were much better armed, and I knew Alice would have some trouble finding allies to help her in the rebellion. I looked around. There had to be something that I could do.

If I was attacking this place, where would I strike first?

Personally, I would go for the main factory, where all the Watcher robots were being churned out. From there, I could halt the production of the robotic clones...but which building was the chief factory? I gurmbled and looked around.

"I have to go in," I muttered.

I looked around the camp, making sure everyone was still asleep and comfortable. If I didn't make it back, then this was my last look at them. I sheathed my swords at my belt and walked slowly down the cliff. I climbed down a sheer wall, picking my way slowly across the rocks so as not to be noticed. A Bokkenrijder stood right in front of me, its back exposed. I lunged forwards and grabbed its head, twisting it to the side and snapping its neck. The dead goat rider collapsed, and I dragged the corpse into the shadows.

I proceeded down a long, large ramp that led to ground level. I assassinated one more Bokkenrijder by shooting it in the chest with a shadow spear, and then I reached the ground floor. I looked around for the biggest factory. I stuck to the shadows to stay concealed, and I looked past the walking slaves and their Bokkenrijder masters.

I randomly chose a factory. The building was big and made of burnished black and silver metal. A huge open door served as its entrance. Carts of supplies were beign dragged in, and Bokkenrijders ridign their huge reddish goats were at the entrance with axes, lazily swaying back and forth. Their green-eyed masks were looking down at the ground, and they weren't even inspecting the carts as they were dragged in by the slaves.

"Perfect," I muttered, dashing through the shadows to where the carts were beign pushed in from another room.

The carts were beign pushed in from another room, and then slaves from this room were grabbing them and taking them into the factory. I jumped into a large cart, unnoticed. I dug deep down into the metal robot parts that were inside and hid myself at the bottom. I looked up, and I could barely see through the metal parts to the cave ceiling. Pretty soon, the cart began to move and I could hear heavy breathign above it as a slave pushed it along.

I saw the cart disappear into the gates and finally it stopped moving for a second. Then I felt it start to tip over, and me and all the cold, hard metal parts inside were tossed into a huge pile of metal parts. A foot clonked me on the head, but I shook off the pain and dodged the other various flying appendages that were coming at me. I then looked around the cave from my concealed shelter of metal Watcher...body parts.

I was in a large dimly lit room. I looked around, and I saw a door at the far side of the room. I also saw a wide open gate where I had coem on, and several other piles of other robot parts. I got up, crouched down, and dashed from pile to pile, running through the room and quickly opening the door at the far side of the room. I dashed in and closed the door behind me.

"Where am I..." I whispered as I saw what was in the room.

I looked up, and I saw a huge swirling ball of purple, white, and green energy hovering in the air. It was about the size of a small car, and it was in a perfect spherical shape. I looked it over curiously, but I decided against touching it. I turned to leave, but suddenly, the ball crackled. I turned around, and three huge spears of energy from the ball shot out and impaled me right in the chest. Pain ripped through my body.

I tried to cry out, but by then, my vision was already going back. The last thing I remembered doing was falling backwards before it all disappeared.


I opened my eyes with a huge effort and looked around. The red-lit room slowly swam into view, and I saw the ball of energy stil floating there. But now there was somebody beside it. And that person looked exactly like me.

"Morning, partner!" the odd other Jack person cried cheerfully, with a huge lopsided smile. He looked exactly like me...

"What the heck?! Who are you?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" I cried, scooting backwards across the floor.

"Who am I? I'm you of course! My name is Kcaj! I'm your clone!" the other Jack cried happily.

Oh God.

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