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Here's the link to my next story, but here is the last chapter of Godkiller =( I may write another book about Max and his buddies, but this is the new story called "Just a Treasure", which is about a teenage pirate and his knight and ninja friends. E\But before you read that, enjoy the final chapter!


20: Back Home Again


"They've done it! They're back!" somebody yelled as the team and I stumbled, exhausted out of Jack's Abyss Passage that led into the main square of the Syndicate headquarters.

I gave a friendly wave and Syndicate members started swarming us, rushing out of classrooms and dorms to congratulate us. The teachers were there too, and they were clapping along with the students. A crowd developed around us, and people were slapping me on the back, shaking my hand, giving me high-fives, and everybody was going crazy.

Kcaj and Watcher were already being surrounded by hordes of girls, and while Kcaj stepped away, holding Alice's hand triumphantly, Watcher was being swarmed with waves of new adorers. Some people were staying away from him shiftily, but for the most part they were being....overtly welcome to him.

"Alright, alright, kids, calm down!" Mr. Kuukon said, towering over the crowd as he moved through it to get to us.

The eight-foot tall mummy finally burst forth from the mass of kids that surrounded us, even using his bandages to lift some students out of the way (kindly and gently of course).

"Are you all alright? We can all sit down and talk about the journey...why in the world are there two Jacks? And...Watcher? Why are you here?" Mr. Kuukon asked, puzzlement flashing across his yellow eyes.

"I can explain. Why don't we do so over a cup of hot chocolate? It was really cold outside," Piper said.

Mr. Kuukon smiled and nodded with an "Of course."


"And that was really it. Then the African bird spirit Kahungu came back again to help us organize transport of the slaves, and he gave Jack a momentary energy burst spell so that he had enough power to Abyss Passage us back here," Kcaj narrarated.

We were in a large rustic room modeled on a cabin from the Middle Ages. A fire burned in the side of the room, and crossed swords and various implements of armor hung on the walls. A bear rug covered the floor, and we all sat in comfy leather chairs that were situated in an arc. Piper sat on Jack's lap, and Alice was doign the same with Kcaj.

"That's...that's great. It sounds like you guys had fun, you've accomplished a good deal, and you've nearly saved us all from being exterminated...a second time," Mr. Kuukon said.

"Yeah, well...that's what we do best," Kevin said with a smile.

Suddenly, there was a loud tromping noise outside the room we were in. A huge steel Recorder, one of the golems that collected the information from new students and put them on the Syndicate's roster, bent down outside the door.

"For you, Watcher. And for you, Kcaj," I said, motioning to the Recorder.

"Two new students sensed. Please come with me," said the robot.

Suddenly, a loud yell of "Shoot! Run!" came from outside. THe Recorder whirled around and then turned back to the room.

"A Bronze Dragon has escaped from the dungeons," said the robot.

"I've got this one!" both Jack and I said at the same time.

Jack set Piper down, and we both leapt up from our seats. Jack spun his twin broaches into his swords, and I turned my pencil into my spear. We both looked at each other and gave a nod, and together, we rushed out the door to a new day.

Kingdom of the Gods: Godkiller (Sequel to Mythical Madness)Where stories live. Discover now