Chapter 1

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Well, this is the link to the other story that I'm writing at the same time that I'm writing this one...This one's about ghosts, shapeshifters, werewolves, etc. Read it!


1: Sometimes Life's a...Ask Your Mother What It's Called


We were sitting in Mr. Kuukon's Ancient History class when it happened. Kevin, Jack, Alice, Piper and I were working on a group research project in the library on the Kikuyu tribe of Africa when suddenly Fateh's booming voice rang through the classroom and the rest of the headquarters.

"All students, report to the main square! All students, get to the main square!" he called.

Mr. Kuukon rounded us up and herded us off to the main square of the headquarters: a large area surrounded by pillars covered with carvings of the gods. There was a big stone platform in the middle of it and standing upon it were two people: Kaiendos and TJ Hawk.

Kaiendos was the leader of the Syndicate. He was a middle-aged white man who was the son of the king of the Greek gods: Zeus. A couple months ago when three traitor gods (Enlil, Ouranos, and Tlaloc) had tried to rebel and destroy the world, Kaiendos had been captured. When we had captured the traitor gods, the Greek war god Ares had interrogated them until Tlaloc fessed up and said where they were keeping Kaiendos. We had then gone there and released him from his prison.

TJ Hawk was basically the second-in-command of the Syndicate. He was maybe about 15 or 16 years old, and he was a lean but muscular African American kid who was the son of the Egyptian sun god Ra. In the battle against the traitor gods, TJ had stayed back at the Syndicate and coordinated a bunch of the fights against the traitor gods' armies of mythological creatures. TJ was nice, funny, and a great fighter to boot. Everyone loved him.

"Alright, is everyone here?" TJ asked.

"I believe so. Alright, members of the Syndicate, listen up. We have a problem on our hands," Kaiendos said.

"Watcher, the son of Ouranos who fought with the traitor gods against us, has been sighted in the vicinity of Cornwall, England. We're not sure if he's on the move or not, but we need to apprehend him before he gathers a second army," TJ said.

"Exactly. We need volunteers to go out and stop him," Kaiendos said.

Of course, Jack stepped up first. I was a little scared to go on another adventure like this, but I volunteered anyways. Kevin, Piper, and Alice quickly followed. Kaiendos looked us over quickly and then gave a nod.

"Alright, the same children who saved the world several months ago had volunteered to do it again. any objections? If so, speak now," Kaiendos said.

Nobody said anything, so Kaiendos took a deep breath and gestured to us.

"Then it is settled. The same group who went out to stop the traitor gods will now go out again to stop Watcher. The way will not be clear, but I trust in you and I knwo you will be able to do this," Kaiendos said to us, smiling.

"Wait! Wait, everybody!" cried a voice from the crowd.

A small kid pushed through the crowd. It was Matthew Khim, a small Asian kid with black hair and brown eyes. He was a son of Proteus. Proteus was a Greek water spirit, and he could tell the future(Piper had taught me a lot after our last adventure, so now I knew a lot more about mythology and history). As such, some children of Proteus could tell limited parts of the future as well. Will was one of them.

"I have a prophecy. Hold on. Just like my half-sister Sabah told your prophecy before your adventure, last time, I'll do it now. Here we go," Will said.

Will rolled up his sleeves, closed his eyes, and then took a deep breath. He then opened his eyes again, and they glowed a bright golden color. He looked up to where Jack, Kevin, Alice, Piper, and I were standng. He raised his hand and pointed to Piper.

"You, daughter of the woods. You are the first. You will bring down the symbol of your own father. You will defeat the stag," Will said.

He then looked at Kevin.

"Abenaki-born, you are the second. You will serve a duty as well. You will use your power over the woodlands. You will strangle the snake," Will said.

Will lowered his hands and turned to Jack.

"You, son of darkness. You are the leader, and you will guide your friends through this. But you will use your sorcery. You will destroy the rock," Will muttered to Jack.

Will then looked at Alice.

"Ghost, you are a confusing one. But I see. are dead once. You can die again, so you must take heed. You will descend and tame the hound," WIll said.

Finally, he turned and looked at me. A littl epang of fear, but also excitement, shot through me.

"Child of the sky, the hunt. One who is related to your father comes for you. Beware the antlered one. You will not destroy him, but dark spears will gather around you. You must overcome these dark spears and defeat their master, the son of air," Will said.

The small kid shut his yes, and when he reopened them this time, they were back to their normal brown color.

"I can't interpret it for you, so for now you guys are on your own. Good luck," he said.

"Alright, now that you have some small guidance on your journey, you have been as prepared as we can make you. Tomorrow, we'll prepare backpacks with supplies for you and you will set off. Our fate hinges on you five once again," Kaiendos said.

And we were back in the game again.

Kingdom of the Gods: Godkiller (Sequel to Mythical Madness)Where stories live. Discover now