Chapter 22

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"No, stay." Mason mumbled into my hair. I turned to face him and put my hand on his cheek.

"I have to, I was harsh on her. I feel bad." I sighed.

"Ok, we'll a few more minutes." He gently pushed my chest down to lay down. "So... You're not moving back with your mom are you?" Mason says not opening his eyes.

"Yes, I have to."

"No you don't."

"I know." I ran my hands through his hair feeling the tears prick in my eyes. Masons eyes snap open to the sound of my quiet sob.

"Hey hey hey, don't cry. I'm sorry you can do whatever you want. Go to your moms... Stay here whatever you like."

"Mason I'm not crying because of that, you dork. I'm just trying to figure out why I wanted to leave. I want to put that behind us, Mason." I said peering at him through my lashes.



"Mom? Are you home?" I look around our house, shocked. It looked amazing. I guess she started re-decorating it.

"I'm in your room."

When I walked in she was using my laptop. "Hey, mom." I was hurt when she didn't reply she just got up and walked out. "Mom wait." I mumbled. She turned around raising her eyebrows.

"What is it Angie?"

"I'm sorry. But I'm not leaving. I can't. I understand many things have happened in the past in the town, but whether I like it out not this is home to me."

"I get that, Angie. I really do but you need to be ready for change. A lot of it is coming."

"Doesn't matter. I can go through change here. At home."

"Where are you going stay anyway?"

"Is that you considering letting me stay?" I said a smiling forming on my lips.

"Angie just answer the question."

"Masons house. Mom he loves me. And there's nothing wrong with him, why won't you trust him?"

"I knew his real dad."

"What do your mean his real dad?" I spat.

"He's adopted. Angie his dad's a gang leader and a rapist."

"Stop bullshitting me. Because if you're lying I will find out." I said trying to sound threatening. Mom rolled her eyes.

"Now what kind of person would I be if I lied about something like that, do you really think that low of me? Actually don't answer that. But my point is that his dad wasn't a good person-"

"So you're assuming he's a bad person too. Mom how can he take after his dad if he wasn't raised by him?" I questioned. She didn't answer so I continued, "see, exactly my point there's nothing wrong with him he's just fine."

"Ok now you listen to me. You are moving with me until you're eighteen. After that do what you want. I don't care if you hate me. Get over it. I love you but I'm not going to be a push over. End of discussion Angie. Good night." And with that she went to her room, slamming the door hard enough that the walls of the house shakedown.

"Mason, I'm leaving with my mom. Only until I

Eighteen though."

Mason sighed into the phone, "Ang..."

"Dont make me feel bad Mason, I have no choice. We can make this work-"

"Angie I love you and I respect whatever you have to do. Your going to be eighteen in something months then I'll have you living with me until we find a place. It's going to be okay."

"But Mason, I want to go to college."


"After what you just went through the last few weeks?" I could tell he was angry. It was in his tone.

"Yes I applied to Yale."

"Hah! Your are kidding right? You do know what the standards are in order to get in?" I felt my heart sink, he didn't believe I could get in.

"Yes Mason fucking know the stupid standards. Now I'm leaving next week to God knows where, and in the next month I'll find out I applied a while back, like maybe a few months ago? Anyways, I am going to college, and going with my mom. And after I'm done with college and free of my mother's custody, well talk, talk about us. But until then I need to do what's best for myself. I love you."

"I love you too but-" I cut him off before he can say furthermore.

"All your stuff packed?" Mom asks as I lather a box with tape and write 'dorm' on all sides.

"Just about. I have to tape those boxes in the corner. I'm alsmost done though, help me carry these into the Uhaul?" She nods her head and picks up two boxes and carries them to the Uhaul waiting out front for us.

We've been living in Michigan for a few months now, I also found out I had gotten accepted Yale like four days after arriving into our new home. Now we just have to travel in a Uhaul full of boxes for my dorm there.

Mason called me once or twice, but I can tell hes trying to let go. Long distance relationships weren't our thing. I completely felt the same way.

I grabbed the remaining boxes and loaded them into the Uhaul. "Ready?" I looked at my mom, the biggest grin on her face that I've seen I'm her in a long time. I could tell she was proud of me. My mother and I have figured out a way to let go of the past and live in present. Meaning I also let go her forcing me to move with her, I realized it was pretty ridiculous to think Mason and I would last forever, that it was worth turning my back on my only mother.

But deep down, I know that bad boy with always be within my heart. When I jumped into the truck I starred out the window, thinking of the very boy who made me fall in love. Along with his words he once said to me,

"Baby, ill love you for always." Maybe you will bad boy, maybe you won't. But.... I will.


Second to last part in the story! Holy carp! Actually though I'm updating the next chapter TODAY so that means that today April 4th 2015 my story will be finally finished.

Thanks to all the readers that thought my story wasn't carp and read it! That makes me really happy! Thanks guys


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