Chapter 5

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"what movie do you wanna watch Angie?" Mason asked me as I curled into a ball in his pillows.

"I dont care. What ever you want it fine." He shrugged and put in a disc.

"What did you choose?" I asked as he curled up next to me.

"Mmm you'll see." he said with a smirk.  And the old Mason Carter is back ladiea and gentlemen! I rolled my eyes, then looked at the screen as the advertisements went on.

I could feel him scooting closer to me by the second. I started to stiffen up, why was he like this a the time? He snaked his arm around my neck, he pulled my face to meet with his.

"Can you tell me why you were crying?" I felt my throat close up. I wouldnt be able to tell him wothout crying.

" Its ok if you want to cry Angie I wont judge you. I hope you know that. I am a tease im going to admit it, but I could also be serious." He said playing with my fingers.

I let out a shaky breath. Then did something I never thoughtbi would do. I pulled him closer to me and nuzzled my face in his neck. I felt like electricity shock through my body when he wrapped his arms around me.

"I-I had a dream about my dad. He died when I was three, of colon cancer. Call me crazy but I think he maybe visited me in a dream. Stupid isnt it." I said embarrassed. indont usually talk about this with people.

"No. Its not. Samething happens to me all the time." I looked at him confused.

"I Lost my grandmother. She. She was a very important person to me." He said holding me closer. This was so weird.  But I like it. I like having him hold me like this it makes me feel safe. Makes me feel happy.

"Um im not sure if this will change the mood or anything but Mason, your actually making me feel better. " I chuckled looking up at him. He was smiling.

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Honestly Mason I think we could be great friends if we try." When I said his face fell to a frown and stiffened into a awkward position. What did I do did he not want to be friends? Or did he want to be more?

★★★★★★Mason's pov

I dont know why when she said 'we could be great friends' felt like some one socked me I  the stomach.

I almost felt like we could be more. Or even were. But she obviously didnt feel the same way. Part of me wanted to make her feel that way.

And that's when it slapped me in the face. I like her. Not love her no, no not love her. But I like her.

★★★★★★Back to Angies pov

He sat there looking out at space for while. He looked back at me. He looked different. He was looking at me different. He pulled me knto another hug. I slowly started fall asleep.


I woke up wrapped in someones arms I looked up to see Mason. But he wasnt sleeping.

"Good morning."  He whispered. Whar the heck happend last night? I thought back. Oh right I fell asleep I  here. I was all nuzzled in his chest. Such a weird feeling.

"I should start getting ready to go to school." I said as I started to get up but Mason stopped me by placing his hands on my hips, pushing me back down. In looked at him confused.

"You are not going to school today, you were just In the hospital yesterday. With broken ribs. Lay down. I'll stay with you. Just after he finished his sentence, Maree walked I with her hands on her hips.

"Um guys...." She fell asleep in here, she had a bad dream and I was conforting her. Shes not going to school today." he said. " Oh and Im staying with her." He added. She nodded and left closing the door behind her.

He turned back to me and smiled.  "I didnt think she would let me stay with you." He said suprised. I nodded returning the smile. He kissed me on the cheek with a sigh. We stood there in a comfortable silence. Gazing at eachother.

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