Chapter 12

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Why did I say yes? What is wrong with me?

I dont even know this person is. Why would I want to spend the day with him?

A smirk appeared on his lips as he sat up and walked up to me. I stiffened as he go closer. A little too close.

When he reached me, he handed me his schedule. I nodded and took his paper. His first two classes were with me, then he also had sixth period with me.

I nodded and we headed out, trailing behind me. After a little bit, I felt his presence at my side.

He laced his fingers through mine.

"What the fuck!?" I said shaking my hand from his grasp. What is wrong with him!? "I have a boyfriend." I muttered . He shook his hesd. The smirk never left his face.

That really annoyed me.

"I cant believe you dont recognize me....Angie." What the hell? What does he mean by recognize him. I know he seems familiar...but I seriously cant figure it out.

I starree at him, studying his features. There was something familiar about him.

"Matt. Think of the name Angelina....Matt." No one called me that. And i keam no one, not even my parents. Only one person would, and i let him. Matt.

Maty shefield. I knew him. I most definitely knew him.

I know him.

Omh omg omg.

Matt was my childhood best friend. We did everything together as kids. Until he decided he wanted to hang out with guys.

The popular kind of guys.  Who grew up to be players.

I thought of the time when he ditched me, without even saying anything. Just started ignoring me. Avoiding eye contact. It drove me insane. Then when junior high came, I just stopped carring. Totally forgot about him. Never had a thought about him again.

I'm sure I still have a pic or two of us somewhere in my stuff. Maybe somewhere at my old home.

Then I realized something. Why is he here? Why did he transfor schools?

I felt a hand on my shoulder, spinning me around. Snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Matt. My old best friend, smiling.

Then I felt a little angry. I told myself I would never forgive him for what he did. Ever.

"You remember me." He said with a smile. I nodded my head.

And with that, i walked away. Well tried to. He grabbed me by my waist, placing boths hands on my sides. He pulled me back and turned me around to face him.

He was frowning.

"Angelina, let me explain to why im here....Ang I really miss you. When I lefted you that day to go to those others, I couldnt stop thinking about you. I never wanted to leave you, its just....I was teased sometimes because I was best friends with a gir-"

"Dont fucking say it. I don't care. You still without even saying anything. You ignored me. Then we went our seperate ways. And now you think you could just waltz into the high school im enrolled in and ask me for forgiveness after all those years? No Matt i dont think I could do that. And this might hurt....but I have never thought of you since elementary school. I pushed you out of my head. I even promised i would never forgive you. Um im sor-" But I was interupted when he smashee me into a bone crushing hug, as the bell rang.

We sat there for a bit. I tried to squirm out of his arms but he wouldn't move. So I sat there with my arms at my sides.

"Get off my girlfriend!" I heard Mason scream from a few yards away. Matt instantly dropped his arms and turned to face Mason.

Mason joggee over here, anger written all over his face. Ohhh noo.

"What gives you the right to lay a fuckin finger on my girlfriend." Mason growled. I took a step back. This Mason scarred the living hell out of me.

"I-I..." Matt stammered trailing off.

"Hes my old best friend Mason. My best friend from elementary school. Stop freaking out. Please." I said wrapping my arms around him. He nodded ans 'ok' but not before giving the most deadliest glare ive ever seen.

If looks could kill.....

Well the day went by pretty fast. Same old same old stupid rude teachers, annoying people..... Mason hasnt been talking very much. Its starting to freak me out. Hes been giving Matt a lot of death glares. He met Jessica and Roy.  (Sorry I haven't been mentioning them latley. They'll be more in the story soon)

I could tell he knew Matt wasnt a bad guy, but yet he still hated him. Im not exactly sure if I should let Matt hang out with me. I mean who knows he might decide to hang with another group after he gets to know more people.

Whatbif hes just hanging with me so he wouldnt seem like a dork with no friends. Like I used to be.

But then again, he did seem pretty serious when he was apologizing to me.

"Bae you ready to go?" Mason whispered in my ear after the bell rang. God. His voice...sends shivers down my spine...God bless his beautiful looks....

"Yah, lets go." I sais grabbing his hand as he lead me to the truck.

"Hey Angie?" Mason asked worriedly.

"Yah?" I said concern in my voice.

"I dont want you to talk or see Matt anymore."


A/N ooo whats she going to say???

So this is my second authors not very good at dont judge!

Plz vote and comment, tell me what you think, and if you'd like, u could put suggestions in the comments, ill try to fit them in, thank you for reading, God bless you, and I hope you have a nice day :D


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