Chapter 3

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I starred at him in shock which seemed like hours. Until he sighed and came over to me. He scooped me in his arms and started to walk out the door.

"Um excuse me asshole put me down!" I ordered him.

"Um how" He said refusing to put me down.

I gave up struggling,  each time I tried to throw myself out of his grasp I would just hurt my ribs.

He threw me in the back seat with out a care. "Um ow." I grummbled. " Wait um wheres your mom?" I asked freaking out as he started to drive off.

"She told me to drop you off at your house to pack your things. Then take you to our house. Trust me I hate this as much as you do." I sighed and leaned back in the seat. Closing my eyes.

Once we p ulled up I swung the door open eager to get out of this. Just as i was about to jump out, he appeared in front of me holding out his arms.

"Oh hell no. Move Mason. Thanks for being so um nice and all, but I think I could get out on my own.  Without your help." I moved his arms out of my way but he didnt budge. He picked me up and took me out again, setting me on the ground.

I grummbled a few swear words. Then turned to face him flicking him in the face. "Stop picking me up, I have legs." I told him.

"Listen, Angie. I know you dont like me. I know you think of me as a player." I shook my head yes, causing him to frown but he continued " But, I honestly um im uh. I feel really bad for you." He said looking at the ground. We stood there awkwardly, untill I broke it.

"im going to go get my stuff." I mummbled walking away. I could feel his watching me as I entered the house. What was that all about? I packed up almost everything in my room, in five in a half bags. I heard footsteps coming up stairs. Then stood Mason. In ky room. Strange.

"Need help?" I nodded my head picking up two bags. "Naw allow me." he said slipping two of the bags on one hand then two in the other. He nodded to the one back pack left on the floor, I went over and picked it up.

I watched him as we went down stairs. I was impressed those bags were really heavy, but he's acting like their filled with cotton.

When we reached the car he threw them in the trunk along with the one I was carrying.

"How longs the drive?" I asked breaking the awkward silence as he drove.

"Um about fifteen minutes from now." I nodded then returned back to starring out the window. I started to see water hitting the window. I let out a groan it was raining. My bags were in the trunk. Oh great.

Mason sighed. "Mm sorry about your cloths." he said looking in the rear view mirror, the rain poared on them.

"Yah." I said closing my eyes and leaning my head against the window.

"You can use a pair of mine." He said. I could hear the smile in his voice. I looked at him confused. Just because I was abused he's being nice to me. Wow. He turned his head to give me a smirk before lookibg back at the road.

" So, Angie you're probably thinking im only being considerate of you becuase you were um you know,"

"Abused." I interupted him sounding annoyed.

" Yah. Well thats not why. I um sort of have been thinking about you a lot latley since that day you 'dissed me'" He said smirking.

I shrugged me shoulders. "Ok." Was all i said.

He huffed. "Get a hint, Angie." He said clearly annoyed. Was he asking me out!? I burst out laughing. He pulled over the truck. Parked it then looked at me with a very angry expression which made me laugh even harder, to the point where I wasnt even making a sound just sitting there, gapping like an idiot.

Her banged ye head on the stirring wheel.

" No. Dont. Hurt. Yourself." I said between laughs. I stopped laughing after about five to ten minutes. His face had turned read of either embarassment or anger during the process.

When I stopped I had the feeling I should run. I swung open the door running out into the rain. He followed me, eventually catching up to me.

He pounced on me. We hit the floor with a loud 'bumb'. I started to laugh again but this time he laughed with me. He turned me over so I was on my back. Oh shoot what was I doing. Thsi isnt good. I am not going to lead him on.

He starred into my eyes, the water dripping off his hair onto my face. His gazed moved from my eyes to my lips. I started to freak out. Is he going to kiss me? He slowly moved his face closer to mine. Finally my actions caught up to my brain and I pushed his facw away from me.

I pushed him away and started to head to the car. Without looking back.

In barley knew him and I was already enjoying his presence.

I promised myself I woild stay away from him. He has danger written all over him no doubt.

He got in the car without sparring a glance at me nor did I to him.

Except now. I scanned his face. Hurt. Definitly hurt. Would did I do.

Nothing I did nothing. Just trying to save me from an easy heart break. That's all.

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