Chapter 15

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"She's still out? It's been an half hour and she still hasn't woken up! Why isn't she waking up damn it!?"

"Mason she's going to wake up you just have to be patient. How hard can it be to at least do that?"

"Oh really? How the hell do you know if she's going to wake up or not? Huh? Your no fucking doctor!"

"Would you guys just shut up?" I force out. Both their heads snap to me, their eyes wide.

"A-Angie! Babe, did you hear all that? Because psh I wasn't scarred I definitely knew you were going to wake up." Mason stammered.

I glare at him. "Yes Mason I did hear. I'm not deaf." His face turned to an embarrassed look, he keeps opening his mouth but nothing comes out."

"Whatever. Now can someone please help me up? You have no idea how uncomfortable this couch is..."

I look around my surroundings, I'm in my own home, but something seems different. "Um Mason is there something- Mason where's all your mom's stuff?

The house was empty except for a few things. "She got in a fight with my dad... Apparently it was pretty serious. She moved out." He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it over.


Hey sweetie so sorry you had to come home to me not being here and the house being half empty, but me and Marcus had a really huge fight, I don't think I'll be gone long but If you don't want to stay at the house, you can come and stay with me I'm at Hansens Hotel RM 312.

If you want to call me,

You have my number.



"So what are you going to do Angie? Stay or go with my mom?"

"I'm going to go with your mom." i state. Masons face falsas soon as the words come out of my mouth. onn the other hand Matthew was grinning like an idiot.

"Why not? are you not comfortable witout her being here? What's the difference Angie?" Mason snaps.

"Excuse me? I can go wherever i want, as a matter of fact im just going to call up Riley, and go live with  her, she'll be happy, ill probably have a much better time anyway." i say getting up to get my phone.

"Will you just stay tonight so i can keep an eye on you Angie? I um hit you kinda hard."

"No. And by the way, i havent heard an apologie from you."

"Angie, it wasnt my fault i hit you you jumped inn front ofmy fist!" Matt gives him a look.

"Fine- fine-fine im sorry i hit you Angie. And please stay here for tonight Angie?"

"Before i can say no again, Matt chips in, "Fuck no, if she even needs to be watched, she can stay with me Mason youguys arent dating anymore, its my turn.

He smirked. 

"Um excuse me?! listen up both of you. Im not five years old i think i can take care of myself." I get up storming out of the house. God i swear guys are such idiots some times.


Mason's pov

God i screwed up, why did i have to be one of those over- pretected boyfriends? Why couldnt i be one of those lay back-dont-care-what-their-girlfriends-do kind of guy.

I mean this is riduculous she definitly over reacted, its not that big of a deal, right?

Ugh. I shake my head and grab my phone, i have to tslk to her, if o dont soon enough that Matt dude will take her from me. They bith lefted about an hour ago and i havent done anything but sulked.

- Angie, can we please talk? I know you dont care at all anymore, but would you pl give me another chance please?- Mason

-no. theres nothing to talk about, were over its final. Leave me alone.- Angie

-Babe... please i just need an hour to explain myself. i really need you, i miss you love. - Mason

-Damn it Mason i said no.- Angie

-im coming to get you. I dont care, you dont understand, you need to let me tell you why i asked you not to hang out with Matt.  -Mason

-oh reall? are you going to tell me hes dangerous? that  he might hurt me? Break my heart? Cut the crap Mason, he been my friend since we were younger, he wouldnt do that to me. -Angie

- No i dont know him i  not sure if hes dangerous or not, but i do need you to hear me out. What do you say? - Mason

-Fine. where do you wan to meet?  - Angie

- Ill pick you up whats the adress? - Mason

- 1234 Marlinwood RD. - Angie

- K thanks see you in a bit babe.

-ugh stop calling me that...


-Bye Mason

- Bye babe

-shut up.

I lock my phone smiling. God i have to get her back. And before Matt does.

When i arrive at Riley's house to pick up Angie, shes waiting for me on the steps. She gts up and walks over to my car with a bored and unhappy look on her face.

"Why such a sour face babe?"

"Im forcing myself to do this. You have an hour to talk to me,"


Authors Note

*Srry for the late/ short update again ive been kind of stressed over thigs latley and kind of lazy, so it wasnt a very exciting chapter its going to start up soon. book has been getting more reads by the day guys, thank you so much ive really improved because of you, a read a day is getting me closer and closer.

so... follow me on insta at  itz_kelsey12

until the next update,

Kelsey is out!


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